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  1. aberration

    2001 Gibson SG Jr - $500

    Sold! Thanks for your interest, guys.
  2. aberration

    EBAY: ART EQ341 and SKB 4U X Case

    Selling my ART EQ341 dual-channel equalizer on the 'Bay. It's in perfect working condition. Check it out BIN $50.00 Also on the block is my 4U SKB "X" Case Check it out BIN $50.00
  3. aberration

    Live snafu

    Came across these photos today. The Network is playing, dudes are having a grand ol' time, then this happens. Holy shit.
  4. aberration

    Won an iPad. What can it do?

    My lifelong curse of lucklessness at games of chance seems to be turning around...I won an iPad and should have it in a couple of days. Aside from being a big iPod Touch, what cool stuff can I do with it? You guys have any favorite apps that I've just got to get?
  5. aberration

    FS: ESP LTD EC500 w/Sperzels and Coffin Case

    'Tis already on Ebay, but check it out if you're interested. BIN of $475 plus shipping is pretty reasonable in my opinion. Purchased in September 2009. ESP LTD EC500 black w/white body/neck/headstock binding. EMG 81 (bridge) and 60 (neck) Sperzel locking tuners and proper black knurled knobs...
  6. aberration

    Make that 9% +1

    I'm about to become a statistic! The company I work for is going tits up, and I'll be unemployed by Christmas. Woo hoo! How many of you other Sneapsters are on the dole?
  7. aberration

    LTD EC 500

    Well, I was going to put new pups in her, but I think that would only delay the inevitable. I'll put pics up tonight, but hit me up if you're interested. LTD EC 500 - Black (purch 9/07) EMG 81/85 Sperzel locking tuners added Lame black nickel knobs replaced with black Flawless condition (not...
  8. aberration

    SF bands in fatal crash... Any of you guys who were into Early Graves...sad day. I hate when shit like this happens.
  9. aberration

    Les Paul pups into LTD Eclipse?

    Anybody taken their Eclipse and swapped out the EMGs for the standard 490/498 Gibson configuration? Any luck? Tired of the EMG sound.
  10. aberration

    Do you miss Emperor?

    Well, do you? Thank me later. Deathcode Society
  11. aberration

    So I just brought my son home...

    Still running on about 6 hours of sleep over the last 4 days, but life is good.
  12. aberration

    I cut my hair off

    And it feels SOOOOOOOO good. Had to share. Then: This is easily the least flattering pic I could find. Shut up. Now:
  13. aberration

    Want an 8-string?

    Many of us were impressed by the Agile 8 string that was posted a little while ago. Rondo music has a bunch of them now available for preorder on the "new additions" page if anyone cares. HERE
  14. aberration

    My idiocy has reached epic proportions.

    I have been using my V-Amp Pro exclusively now for about 4 years. During that time, I've been confused, irritated, and disappointed by the difference between the monitored sound and the recorded sound. Last night, completely by accident, I armed two tracks for guitar instead of one and solved...
  15. aberration

    Carpal tunnel? Tendinitis?

    Anybody want to start a pool to see what I've got in my left hand? The tendon in my left hand (on the back, right in line with my ring finger) started hurting up a storm last night, so I iced it, then wrapped it in an Ace bandage and went to bed. Woke up this morning and my thumb and...
  16. aberration

    Thinking of giving up breathing...

    Seriously, I spend a huge chunk of my life breathing, but lately it's not satisfying me like it used to. I'm thinking of just quitting altogether. What do you guys think? :goggly: Edit: crap, this belongs in the OT Tavern. Sorry.
  17. aberration

    Opeth-Roundhouse Tapes DVD

    Got this yesterday and have been thoroughly enjoying it, but I have a question that you guys may know the answer to. During the performance, there's a mic'ed Laney combo on Per's immediate right. There are no heads on the cabinet stacks. Are they getting their tone from the combo amp(s?)...
  18. aberration

    HALP! V-Amp monitor vs. recorded sound

    I'm having a huge problem with my freakin' V-Amp Pro right now. Before I go on, let me say that I'm not replacing it and I'm not going to mic a cab (as much as I might love to do both). Ok. V-Amp Pro > ART graphic EQ > Emu 0404 into Sonar 6. When I'm playing and listening, either through the...
  19. aberration

    EZD>DFH>Blasts = powerless

    Ok, so...longtime lurker, first time caller. I imagine this is probably a RAM issue, but the blast MIDIs in the DFH expansion for EZD (WTF BFF ETC) really lack power on my machine. The snare skips all over the place so that any groove is lost. Everything else sounds great...all the other...
  20. aberration

    Sonar 6 + EZ Drummer clipping and latency

    Windows XP on P4 2.8GHz w/ 2GB RAM Sonar 6 PE Man, I hate having to learn new software. :mad: So I insert a soft synth, set it to EZ Drummer, let the samples load, then start thumbing through the groove library. Total shit. Samples are lagging, clipping, missing entirely, the...