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  1. Arcane Son

    Radio Show Haul

    I was listening to a local metal radio show on Sunday and I won 2 different prize packages. First one contained the new albums from Immolation, Dark Tranquility & Despised Icon. The second prize pack which is why I was listening in the first place was 2 tickets to the Evil Dead Musical...
  2. Arcane Son

    Lindgren Quits Opeth

    End Of an Era For The Mighty O!
  3. Arcane Son

    Some live footage of the Red Sparowes I shot

    Here's a couple of video clips I took from the RS show in Toronto @ The El Mo on Saturday March 10. Check out some of the trippy visuals the Red Sparowes were projecting on the screen behind them. A really amazing California instrumental band. Clip #1...
  4. Arcane Son

    To Frondi

    Just wanted to say thanks for the hospitality you showed Pitriff & I last weekend. To be greeted with a joint as we got into town and then breakfest and music dvds the following morning was a great welcome to London. That was a fun night. I really liked your new place. Keep rocking it hard on...
  5. Arcane Son

    Jiimy Bower selling Drums used on Down/Crowbar albums

    Thought you would get a kick out of this Dave since your a big fan of Down and Crowbar like me. ------------------------------------ DOWN drummer Jimmy Bower (also guitarist in EYEHATEGOD, SUPERJOINT RITUAL) has issued the following update: "I'm getting rid of the infamous DOWN 'Nola'...
  6. Arcane Son

    Metal Article On CNN

    Was surprised to see this on the main page of the cnn news site. Interesting article. Metal Gets A Makeover:
  7. Arcane Son

    Thoughts On The DOTE II Fest Announcment?

    Whats everyones thoughts on the line up announcement for this years Day Of The Equinox Fest? If your an old school thrash fan you will probably pop a boner. If you're like me and prefer a nice diverse line-up you will probably be non-plussed. Can a show...
  8. Arcane Son

    Any Down Fans Here? [Bootleg DVD Review]

    I know Davey boy likes Down so I thought I would post this lil review: Any Down fans out there? A friend recently sent me an amazing bootleg dvd from a show they did on Sept 21,1995 in Dallas, Texas. 72 mins long. Just watched it last night. It's really good quality for a bootleg. Just a...
  9. Arcane Son

    Voivod News

    I was talking to Dave and said he had never really heard to much from Voivod. Were going to have to change that bro! :) Heres an interesting little news blurb on the new Voivod album. ----------------------------------------------- VOIVOD Exclusive...