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  1. Splat88

    Kemper profiled a Peavey 6505 MH - 8 string guitar

    I haven't posted here in ages is seems. Jumping back on the wagon and sharing a track I just made with my new Peavey 6505 MH in to a Mesa 2x12 recto cab. Miced with an SM57 and Kemper-ized. I have a big boy 6505 as well, and the 6505 MH is a little less bottom heavy and tighter. Guitar is an...
  2. Splat88

    Any Celestion G12T75 lovers out there?

    I've had a Marshall 1960A cabinet for years that I put a couple British Celestion V30s in with the existing T75s in an X pattern. I had an urge to put the T75s back in the other day and make some Kemper profiles with the 6505. To be honest, with a cranked wide open cab, the T75s sound better...
  3. Splat88

    Testing my new 6505 Kemper profile

    Greetings all, its been a long time since I've posted around here. I created a new profile of my 6505 on the green channel into a Marshall cab with V30s and miced with an SM57 and I'm just testing it out in a new mix. No boost, but I did use the clarity knob to sharpen the pick attack and...
  4. Splat88

    Have a Kemper profile and listen to new song

    I'm in the writing process of a new song and want to throw this out there for critique if any. Also, go ahead and have a crack at the 6505 profile I used if it tickles your fancy. The profile was done without an OD pedal in front, and I didn't use a modeled one in the Kemper either, just some...
  5. Splat88

    Waves L1 Limiter praise?

    This may seem a bit arbitrary considering I'm not going to post examples, but I just want to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I've been noticing that I really like the sound of my mixes better when using an L1 combined with a conservatively set Gclip. When the L1 is getting no...
  6. Splat88

    New song ideas with the Kemper

    I took a few minutes the other day to mic up the good old 6505 and Marshall 1960 V30 cab with an SM57 and make a fresh batch of profiles. This clip has the result of one of them. I used a 7 string Ibanez with a Dimarzio Blaze in the bridge. I didn't use a boost at all, and the result is super...
  7. Splat88

    New song in progress with vocals - how's the sound?

    As the title implies, I've got a new song in the works with vocals just finished last week believe it or not. Just excited about the new work is all, and if anyone cares to give feedback that would be greatly appreciated. Guitars and bass are all Kemper. Ibanez RG 7 string and a brand new 5...
  8. Splat88

    Superior Drummer Hit Factory Kit

    I've got a mix in progress and this is the first time I used the entire Hit Factory kit out of Superior. For some reason I never quite dug it before, but I think its really working on this mix and I love all the tight snappy snares the library has to offer. I did not not use any trigger...
  9. Splat88

    The Church - Under the Milky Way (March Hare cover)

    I posted a version of this cover song a few years ago but now its finally complete due to the fact that I'm the biggest procrastinator and slowest mixer in the history of this forum. I'm stoked about this mix though so its getting uploaded to see how you gents like it. The guitars have been...
  10. Splat88

    Kemper test

    I laid down some new ideas tonight with the Kemper and Lasse's rig pack, and I just can't say enough good things about the work he put into it. Anyway, I'm digging this new tone and I hope you do as well. Deizel pack on the left and 5150 on the right with an Ibanez 7 string with a Blaze...
  11. Splat88

    March Hare - video mix tutorial

    I got around to uploading a video mix tutorial of a track. Not a true tutorial since I don't speak at all through the video, but I kind of demonstrate the workflow and plugins for the major components of the mix. Guitars are Ibanez S with EMG81 through Lasse's brilliant new Kemper rig pack...
  12. Splat88

    March Hare - More Kemper in action

    Old song, new Kemper reamp. I used more of my 6505 profiles with no pre amp boost. This is also my first go with my newly acquired Sansamp Bass Driver which seems highly promising so far. Please let me know if you like the sound or not.
  13. Splat88

    Kemper Profiling amp - Peavey 6505 profile

    Hi gents. Here's my first profile that I have done with my new KPA. I used my Peavey 6505 into a Marshall 1960AV cabinet loaded in an X pattern with V30 and T75 speakers. For what its worth, the V30s are standard, not the custom Marshall V30s that come with the 1960AV cab. I miced the bottom...
  14. Splat88

    How's this 6505 tone with Boss SD1 boost?

    As the title states, how's this tone coming along? I've never even tested a Boss SD1 until now, and it seems to have a little less mid range honk than the TS9 that seems to be working for the open chords towards the end of the clip. Thoughts...
  15. Splat88

    Need mix balance input on a track

    I'm busy rerecording all my old shit with a Peavey 6505 which is working out great so far. The trouble is, I'm confined to mixing on headphones at the moment (AKG 702) because my Alesis M1 monitors sound like ass in my room. I've always found the bass frequencies the most challenging to...
  16. Splat88

    Peavey 6505 power amp output recorded direct

    Since micing my 6505 in my house isn't really a viable option at 11:00PM at night, I have resorted to going back to impulses/cab sims. It sucks, but its not a perfect world now, is it? That being said, I really dig the results I've been getting with Recabinet 3, which I have sadly overlooked...
  17. Splat88

    I am one again with my beloved 6505. Listen here.

    Well, the last time I had one it was a 5150, but you get the idea. I also recently bought a Krank Rev Jr, which is great, but the 6505 is just simply my cup of tea. So I'm stretching its legs here and rerecorded the last song I post a couple months ago. I wasn't able to mic is crazy loud, but...
  18. Splat88

    March Hare track with mixing tutorial video

    Hey gents, I posted this song in the Rate my Track section, but I've uploaded a video of the mix if anybody cares to check it out. Details about equipment are in the youtube info if interested. Hope you enjoy!
  19. Splat88

    Just finished a new song - take a listen

    I just finished the song that I started and posted last night. No vocals yet of course, but don't worry, I've have the vocals done within the next 10 years. Anyway, all guitars are an Ibanez S with Duncan JB into my new POD HD. Default Rectifier, no boost. There's a bunch of other amp models...
  20. Splat88

    First test with the POD HD

    Hello chaps, long time no see. I purchased a POD HD and here's my first go at it with a little song idea I just put together tonight, by no means a finished song. I'm not terribly impressed with the POD HD, but I think guitars fit in this mix quite nicely. I just pulled up the Rectifier...