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  1. S

    My band's new CD

    Like the title suggests, my band have just released our new CD. There's a few songs from it up on our website: Orchid Fixation To be honest, it's fairly atypical of the stuff on this forum, but fuck it - promotion is promotion right? :p Let us know what you think. Steve
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    Customer Service

    I've been reading a few things recently about companies being rubbish to you when their gear goes wrong, so I thought I'd start a thread about the opposite: who has great customer service? I'll start with CAD - I have an M179, which is a great, well-priced variable-pattern condenser...
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    Sonar 6 Playback Problem

    Morning all, I was wondering if anyone here can help me with a Sonar issue I'm having. When I'm editing a big project, I keep having an odd problem where I can't play anything. Everything's fine to start with, but then all of a sudden all the play back functions just stop working. If I...
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    Weird Melodyne Issue

    I keep having a strange problem with Melodyne. I use the Bridge version (rather than the plug in), and 90% of the time it works fine. Just recently though, when I transfer a track to it, it copies it correctly (from a listening viewpoint) and splits the track up into segments fine, but it...
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    Using EZ Drummer in Cubase

    'Noon all, I've got a friend that's having trouble getting EZ Drummer to trigger from a MIDI input (midisport 2x2) in Cubase (I guess SX 3). I don't use Cubase and know dick all about the mystical workings of MIDI when it goes wrong, so can any of you give me step-by-step instructions on...
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    EVH 5150

    Sorry if this has already been discussed - can't get any sense out of the 'search'. So has anyone tried one yet? I had a very quick play on one on Saturday, and it sounded pretty damn good to my ears. Obviously quite similar to the Peavey versions, but maybe a little bit tighter. Fucking...
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    Sonar 5 Plugin List

    Hello all, I think I'm probably missing something really simple, but does anyone know a way to reorganise the plugins list in Sonar? I added a couple of new ones yesterday and it's just dumper everything into one long (long) list under 'VSTs' - whereas before it had folders for Sony, Waves...
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    Pro Tools Export Question

    Morning all, Not sure if this is in the right place or not... Anyway, this may be a really stupid question, so forgive me :p I've got a job coming up mixing a band's CD. I use Sonar 5, but they'll be recording in Pro Tools (I don't know what the exact set up is). Given the choice, what's...
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    Sony Reverb Plug-In Problem

    Mornin' all, I've just had a crazy problem with Sony's Reverb plug-in, and I'm wondering if any of you can shed some light on it. I was using it with no problem on an acoustic track. I had Wave X-Noise running on it too, but I don't really like the sound that gives so I thought I'd try...
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    FS: Focusrite Saffire Pro 26 I/O

    Hello all you lovely people, A friend of mine bought this went he started his uni course, and is now finding that it's slight overkill and is downgrading so he's selling it. Sorry for the spamming, but I owe him a favour and I thought one of you lot might be interested! Here's what he says...
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    Vocal Mics On A Tiny Tiny Budget

    Like the title says: I'm looking for a vocal mic somewhere around the £100/$200 mark. Obviously it's not going to be amazing, but something I could use on anyone (male/female, singing/screaming/grunting) would be useful. Any *useful* advice/recommendations would be greatly appreciated; any...
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    Marshall Cab Question

    G'noon, I've just been offered a Marshall 4x12 for stupid money - only problem is it's a beat up and the guy selling it can't tell me what model it is and won't take the back off to check what the drivers are. I've got the serial number, but I don't know if that's any help. Any suggestions...
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    SPAM: Rhapsody Fans?

    Just a random question to anyone out there into Rhapsody (assuming there is anyone :yuk: ) - would any of you be interested in a copy of "Symphony of Enchanted Lands, Vol. 2: The Dark Secret" signed by the whole band AND Christopher Lee, including a photo from the signing session? And if so...
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    Weird EZ Drummer Glitch

    Not sure whether this should go here or in 'Equipment' but whatever: I write my drum parts in some freebie sequencing program I've got (just because I find it easier than drawing it all in on the 'Piano Roll' screen in Sonar), then export them as MIDI files so I can use them in whatever else...
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    Mastodon on Conan

    I know a couple of guys were looking for this, apologies if it's already been posted: Steve
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    EAS Neodynium Problem

    Does anyone on here use this? I've been using it on a computer at my local studio and I really like it, but I've been having a really annoying issue with it. I put it on a track, set it up and close the window, and it works fine - but as soon as I open it again, the settings switch back to...
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    Suggestions For A 2 Mic Drum Track

    Hey guys, I've just been offered the job of mixing a local band's demo - it's a home recording so it's probably going to be an uphill struggle, but anyways... My biggest issue is that the drums were only recorded with two mics - I would guess they were set up like overheads, but I don't...
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    Programmed Drums Question

    Okay, at the moment my set up for drum programming is working like this: Crappy drum sequencer -> midi -> Sonar -> Drumagog Out of the sequencer I get plain, precise midi files, so I'm playing around with randomizing things a bit - which I haven't done before. So my first question is...
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    Samson C02 Condensers

    Anyone ever used these mics? Any good? Especially as overheads? I've got a chance to pick up a pair dirt cheap (even for cheap-ass mics to start with), so any help would be appreciated! The quicker the better :D Cheers in advance. Steve
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    Drum Track Gating Test

    I've just started playing around with gating drum tracks, and I'm looking for some feedback - I've been mucking about with the same track for so long I'm not sure if the gating is really obvious or if it's just because I know it's there. I'm not worried about the sound so much, just how the...