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  1. ErikSL

    Världsalltets Fanfar mp3 at Napalm Records I don't know when they added this, but it certainly made my day. Only a sample, but a pretty lengthy sample at least. This tune has a certain energy that reminds me of VFTSG/CG, and the...
  2. ErikSL

    New Borknagar and Mr. V

    I just wanted to post this thread as a reason to discuss Mr. V's latest efforts with Borknagar. After giving the disc more then enough spins, some of the vocal work is astounding. Not perfect, but wow...this record is filled with great vocal work. His range has increased yet again it...
  3. ErikSL

    vocals and mastering?

    Some questions about mixing vocals: How do you achieve the right "thickness"? Should you always layer them? What compression settings do you use? And do you compress during the takes, or in post? Mastering: Is there a good process to have the gain and mix quality equally balanced...
  4. ErikSL

    Wow, vintersorg music video!

    this made me laugh....hard.
  5. ErikSL

    Pain Parade - First impressions

    I got the album in the mail yesterday, express delivery from UPS. Wow. This album is leaps and bounds ahead of Crater. I am very impressed. Excellent riffs, leads, arrangements, vocals, lyrics, loops, melodies, harmonies. Its not perfect, but its pretty damn good. Theirs only a few...
  6. ErikSL

    pain parade?

    is it out? I thought it was close to release months ago.
  7. ErikSL

    Any updates?

    Has anyone heard any news regarding Mr V. projects? Fission? Cronian? Vintersorg? I'm aware of Gravisphere and Asgeir quitting Bork. When is Pain Parade due out?
  8. ErikSL

    Favorite Mr. V Project

    The currently active ones of course(excluding Havayoth, Otyg,etc.) I prefer Fission, then Waterclime, and Cronian a distant third.
  9. ErikSL

    Fission-Pain Parade Trailer

    I can't believe someone didn't already make a thread for this. If they did then I'm sorry. But as reported by other posters, the trailer for Pain Parade can be seen here: I was blown away by the whole thing...
  10. ErikSL

    its a pain waiting for pain parade.

    i fiend for it...btw, has anyone ever seen a picture of benny with hair?
  11. ErikSL

    album news?

    Any idea of when the new fission or cronian will be released Mr. V???
  12. ErikSL


    i know your the "occasional drummer", but does it bother you that inferior drummers are more well known then you? When compared to some of the acclaimed metal drummers, like mike portnoy, flo mournier, etc...I think your a lot more seasoned, especially after hearing a skeptics universe and...
  13. ErikSL

    How was Mr. V picked?

    I was always curious how Borknagar decided on Mr V. to be the latest vocalist. Did they get really drunk and listen to all his Vintersorg albums? Or did they just know him somehow? Or maybe Oystein put up flyers in the neighboring countries saying Norwegian band lost singer, needs a new one...
  14. ErikSL

    Oh no Mr V!!!
  15. ErikSL

    otyg's holy diver

    i know this isn't the best cover, but the violin/fiddle lead is fucking sick in that song. I wish mr. v and mattias would do some type of reunion with the rest of the band members.
  16. ErikSL

    Is Origin a dissapointment for you?

    I have been listening to it again recently, and I think it is a beautiful collection of songs. Lately on these boards I have been hearing that Origin is a disappointment. Why is that? It is quite unique and full of flavor, sort of like sushi. :)
  17. ErikSL

    3 Piece Cover

    I think I am going to persuade my band into doing a Waterclime song. We are only a 3 piece, so it would definately be a challenge to make it sound good. I was thinking Mountains or Moonstream Portrait(from the new album), they both rock, have cool guitar parts, and an audience would love...
  18. ErikSL

    Waterclime Imaginative-thoughts

    Well, I have listened to the album thoroughly track by track and as a whole. This is definately Mr. V's most artistic release yet. But unfortunately the album has a lot of problems. So it is a bitter sweet listening experience. First off, where is the bass? I mean you can hear it but...
  19. ErikSL

    Vocal mixing techniques

  20. ErikSL

    Vocal mixing techniques

    This is something I was never taught and I have been trying to learn how to mix vocals correctly in with the rest of the music. I just can't seem to nail it. Any tips or help?