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  1. J

    Particle accelerator that can fit on a tabletop... So there's that... Jef
  2. J

    New Nothing Day! (With pictures of nothing, because that's what I got! Goddamnit!)

    While ordering presents last month I ran into a little trouble finding something I wanted from a seller in the States. This left me with no choice but to order from a seller in Nowhere Of Importance Whatsoever, East South Lower West Buckingtonhamshiresville, England. I can't recall exactly...
  3. J

    South Carolina 'Terrorists' Must Register That's right, if you're considering overthrowing the government while residing in South Carolina, please fill out form 6655321(b), sections 3 through 69, under penalty of the same law that you're trying...
  4. J

    Avoiding Flash

    If you're using Safari or Chrome (or Chrome Frame in IE), Youtube has opened up beta-testing for HTML5 video (rather than the usual Flash) - click on 'Join the HTML5 Beta' link at to try it. Some videos aren't available (for example, videos with ads), and there...
  5. J

    Don't like Hannah Montana?

    Kick her in the face! Hannah Montana Soccer Ball There is no reason for this to reach its target audience. Jeff
  6. J

    Flipped through the new TapeOp, found no previous mention of this page. Free impulse library, with server-generated previews for everything uploaded. Jeff
  7. J

    Interviewing Dino...

    Divine Heresy came through San Antonio last weekend... one thing led to another, and all of a sudden I'm handling the second of two interviews with Dino Cazares for - thought there might be interest here...
  8. J

    12 dead, 31 wounded after shooting at U.S. military base. Jeff
  9. J

    Norman Borlaug Dead at 95 Jeff
  10. J

    Slackware 64 - It's official... and awesome.

    I don't think it's a secret that I fucking love Slackware, and now that 64-bit support is official (it was previously unofficially ported to 64-bit by a few projects like Slamd64 and Bluewhite64) and going to be available alongside 32-bit in version 13 I'll have no more need to experiment with...
  11. J

    A Mathematician's Lament This article is probably the best explanation of what's wrong with 'math education' that I've ever seen, and if you've ever wondered why math classes suck, why American students can't do math, or even why you don't like the 'math' you saw in school...
  12. J

    US: HR 1256

    H.R. 1256: Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act ( It's so good that the Obama presidency and current batch of Congressmen are doing all they can to make our lives better by taking away choices. I'm also comforted by the fact that they certainly can't be a tool of...
  13. J

    Germany: "Ordinary gun control isn't good enough... we must ban the paintball too!" Jeff
  14. J

    Everything on Youtube is now officially 100% more awesome...

    ... thanks to Benny Hill. Benny Hillifier Jeff
  15. J

    To all those who took high school or college Algebra courses...

    Help a JBroll out. I've been working on preparation for the classes I'll be teaching, and since I'm doing a developmental math class I need a little help from people who aren't math nuts. What topic(s) did you wish the course had covered, or what would you change about the way they were...
  16. J

    To all those who took high school or college Algebra courses...

    Help a JBroll out. I've been working on preparation for the classes I'll be teaching, and since I'm doing a developmental math class I need a little help from people who aren't math nuts. What topic(s) did you wish the course had covered, or what would you change about the way they were...
  17. J

    JBroll reflects on how weird he isn't.

    It's strange for someone to simply desire knowledge for knowledge's sake, but the most powerful men in America condemn 'curiosity-driven research' (as if there were any other kind) and then turn around to spend billions of dollars on research into how to kill people. "I want to know everything...
  18. J

    Fucking murder you with a stick.

    Google returned no results for "Fucking murder you with a stick". This must be remedied. Post. NOW! Jeff
  19. J

    Everyone go see the thread about going to see something!

    Best. Thread. EVAR. Jeff
  20. J

    Am I a bad person?

    I think I might be. I have been tempted over the last few weeks to pay for the domain just so that I could put a gigantic flashing YES right in the middle of the screen. Further, rather than worrying a great deal about this condom or that foam or this sponge-like fish thing...