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  1. flhctroll

    "dick whiskey" mix input please

    Hey yall. Workin on a single for a band right now. Any input would be appriciated. The song is called "Dick Whiskey" by the band Losing Scarlet. edit:updated to mix 2.1 Thanks in advance.
  2. flhctroll

    Jizz in my Pants Metal!

    Hey yall. Here is a metal remix i did of "Jizz in my Pants"
  3. flhctroll

    "dick whiskey" mix input please

    Hey yall. Workin on a single for a band right now. Any input would be appriciated. The song is called "Dick Whiskey" by the band Losing Scarlet. Thanks in advance.
  4. flhctroll

    Losing Scarlet Video

    Hey guys. Been a while. Just finished a full length cd and made a video for Losing Scarlet. Please let me know what you all think about the mix and the video. This is the first video I have ever put together. Losing Scarlet - Shade of Hate Thanks. edit: Maybe click the video so you...
  5. flhctroll

    getting better but not "learning"

    Hey all. Not sure if this makes any sense. I feel my mixes are getting better but yet I dont think I am doing anything diffrent. Anyone else notice this? Just throwin it out there :)
  6. flhctroll

    It's been a while...

    Hey all. Just lookin for some criticism. Im glutton for punishment to better myself :) Let me know what yall think. Thanks in advance. Late, Brad
  7. flhctroll

    Snare in metal...

    Anyone know the somewhat secret weapon to gettin a decent snare in metal. I get close but as soon as I try to get the mix "loud" it all falls apart. I hate "loud"
  8. flhctroll

    Whats wrong with my mix...

    Hey all. I'm trying to push myself beyond my limits. Just looking for brutal opinions. Thanks to all that listen. Here is a tune. later, Brad
  9. flhctroll

    Can someone "reamp" a midi part for me?

    Hey all. I have a small piano part for a band right now. We were unable to track it with a real keyboard so I ran a guitar direct to my pc then ran it through melodyne to switch to midi format. I do not have any midi software and would like to get this transfered to a nice piano sound. Also, I...
  10. flhctroll

    How Hardcore Are Your GirlPants?

    Hey all. This is a band I am tracking right now. They are normally a primus/green jello type band. They needed a mix of this song for a radio interview tonight. Thought some of you might enjoy it :)
  11. flhctroll

    need good midi piano

    Hey all. I have a band coming in this week and all we have left to do is lay a couple of piano parts. All they have is a cheap keyboard that doesn't sound that great. It has a midi out and my mackie spike has a midi in. What would be a good program to simulate piano. I am new to recording midi...
  12. flhctroll

    Any Samson C01u mic (usb) Users?

    Hey all. I have the regular Samson C01 large diaphram condensor mics that I use for vocals and overheads. I have to track vocals and start another project recording drums next week and am needing to get another C01. I am wondering if anyone has used the usb version of this mic. I am a windows...
  13. flhctroll

    how should I mic each cymbal

    Hey all. I am recording a band starting this week and the drummer has a smaller kit. I was thinking about micing each cymbal. Should I mic each cymbal under the bell, or the edge, or the top or something? Shoul I still do some overheads too? I normally mic the ride from the bottom at the bell...
  14. flhctroll

    Quick oppinoins

    Hey all. Just lookin for quick opinions on the band I am tracking right now. We are doin vocals this weekend. Just looking for input on tones mostly. Thanks in advance. The band is called "Harm's Way" from Illinois edit: new version...
  15. flhctroll

    ATTN : Tinnitus Suffers (all?)

    Hey yall. Was reading up on tinnitus cures the other day. They say no cure (why would they want a cure anyway, no more money=no more research jobs) but the US Goverment has some kind of pill. Anyway, I saw an idea to help. Wear earplugs when you sleep. The idea is so that is all your brain hears...
  16. flhctroll

    MIDI... What am I missing

    Hey all. Not sure what I am missing here. I have messed around with Fruity Loops. I can make some basic beats. I have messed around with DFH. I open DFH and can get sounds. How do I use those sounds. Say I make a midi beat with fruityloops what do I do to use the DFH sounds with that? Is there...
  17. flhctroll


    This is some crazy ass shit! I will look at mic placement in a whole new way. Actually, isnt there a guy from some band that plays Bass and sings like that?
  18. flhctroll

    DAW Monitoring Live Performance - EQ

    Hey all. Been thinking about upgrading my recording gear to be DAW type setup. I have an Alesis HD24. I want to incorperate this into my PC recording without having to lug my Mackie SR 24 out to track Drums. Normally all mics go in, say ch's 01-12, DI to the HD24, then back into the mackie on...
  19. flhctroll

    BRE BRE BRE!!!

    Anyone know what I am refering to. F'in Pig vocs! So cool. Sorry, Just being a dork. Killer band :)
  20. flhctroll

    Win Vista DAW

    Anyone been trying out Windows Vista for Audio stuff yet? Did the download yesterday and it seems to be a nice OS, when I don't get a BSOD with memmory issues that is :)