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  1. dwoakee

    How will ms songsmith affect music?

    Recently I read about something a lot of you prolly already know about: a new piece of software by Microsoft called "Songsmith". To those of you that don't: it's a tool that takes a melody line that you sing into a microphone and composes a piece of music fitting to that melody. From a software...
  2. dwoakee

    Definition of Quality in Music

    When thinking about how there's no objective quality measure for music the following semi-objective, kind-a-scientific definition crossed my brain: Among the pieces of music complying with a given musical theory those pieces are better that have higher entropy (ie. are the least predictable)...
  3. dwoakee

    Complexity heavier than distortion+growls+blastbeats

    By "complex" i mean a piece of music which contains many changes, in chords, in melody, in volume, in time signature, in mood, in style. the more changes and contrast, the more complex. Imo, a complex piece of music can get heavier than a plain metal song. Examples: Opeth of course, but also...
  4. dwoakee


    Does anyone here know about Hellsongs? It's like Simone White did Metal Covers. Great stuff. Gonna buy it the day it's available in Germany. edit: Well, probably all Scandinavians here know them ...
  5. dwoakee


    A few days before I got Watershed the thought suddenly occured to me "What if Watershed goes more in the direction of BTPISIO?" Now, after I listened to it two and a half times, I think that BTPISIO is actually the one pre-Watershed song that most matches the overall feel of Watershed: It...
  6. dwoakee

    Through the year with Opeth

    This is a bit of a silly thread, I know, but ... wtf I was listening to Forest of October this morning when I thought, well, there's also Dirge for November. Such things make me curious sometimes so I asked myself if there are more references to months or seasons in the titles or lyrics of...
  7. dwoakee

    Analyzing Opeth - the Song Structures

    When I tell someone about Opeth I often say that their songs are 10+ minutes with 20-something different parts and few repetitions. And that they have complex song structures. But then I wondered - how many parts do the songs really have? What structure do they really have apart from being put...
  8. dwoakee

    Opeth Wiki?

    I was wondering if there exists a wiki solely concerned with Opeth. I googled the net and searched this forum, but I can't find one.
  9. dwoakee


    Just found this guy who did an interpretation (mind you, not a cover!) of the whole Damnation album (except for Weakness) on piano! I have listened to Windowpane and it's ... well, interesting. A bit hectic. Yet, I'll check out some other songs. Just wanted to let you know. PS: I searched the...
  10. dwoakee

    The "Forget the concept" album

    As Mikael reveals in the liner notes to the GR special edition there had been a concept for GR but a) Isolation Years did not fit in and b) the sequence of the songs was changed. This brings up two things. a) In my view Isolation Years can still be regarded as an addition to the concept by...
  11. dwoakee

    my favourite Lopeth rhythm pattern

    Has anyone else noticed this? There is a nice little rhythm pattern that appears on every Opeth record with Lopez on drums. It goes like this: ||:d_d_dd|Sd_d_d|d_d_dd|Sd_d_d:|| where d is for bass drum, S for snare and _ for a pause, all eighth notes. I noticed this first on GR. It's in...