Search results

  1. 462studio

    Some songs in progress from my personal project

    Hey all, I haven't been posting much recently. The day job and family life has been keeping me busy, but I am still working on my own personal project Mechanisma when I can. I was going to post this in the Rate my mix/Tone section but uh...I'm not really looking for reviews haha. Just...
  2. 462studio

    Affordable SDC options?

    I need a pair (or three) of SDCs, primarily for drum overheads and spot miking cymbals. I would like for them to also be a decent option for acoustic guitars, other string instruments, etc. I'd love to be able to swing Neumann 184s but I just don't have the budget for it at the moment...
  3. 462studio

    Cubase 5 Click Help (I might be an idiot.)

    Since I went from SX3 to Cubase 5 I've lost the ability to send my click out of the Audition bus instead of the main output bus. I preferred that setup because I could leisurely grab the Audition bus fader and crank/lower the click as needed. When I go into the Connections window, and check...
  4. 462studio

    Anyone have the Cubase 5.5.1 updater?

    Steinberg's website has been down all damn day and I'm rebuilding my DAW at this very moment and the last thing I need is the 5.5.1 updater. If someone could send me a dropbox link to it if they have - it would be epic! Yes, I'm a fully registered owner. I just don't have the file and can't...
  5. 462studio

    Peavey Re-Amping

    Edit: I'm going to be getting my Mesa 2 Channel Dual Rectifier back from Mesa in the next week or so. So this amp will also be available as an option. Hey all, I'm available for reamping tracks through my 6505+, Mesa over sized 4x12, 57 and 421II, Ibanez TS, etc. I don't have a lot of...
  6. 462studio

    A/B/Y Box Recommendation?

    Hi all, I'm finding myself in the need of an A/B/Y box for guitar. I have a few different pedals, DI boxes, etc, but nothing is working how I'd like. Here is my goal: Guitar > ABY > PODxt > Direct Box (Mackie 1200F Instrument DI) > Tuner/Physical...
  7. 462studio

    5150II/6505+ Gain?

    Just curious, how high are you folks setting the gain normally on your II/+? On the rhythm and lead channels? I'm finding myself running mine primarily on the Lead channel with the gain around 4-6, wondering if that is approaching everyone else experience, even with a TS7 cranked up front?
  8. 462studio

    Peavey 3120?

    Just saw an ad for the Peavey 3120 in Revolver...or something. Don't remember. Anyone have any experience with this fella?
  9. 462studio

    Digidesign Mbox Micro Yay or Nay?

    I run Cubase SX. Thinking about getting the Mbox Micro USB widget for transfer of projects in PT format to WAV, etc, so I can do my thing in Cubase. Yay or Nay?!
  10. 462studio

    6505+ Volume?

    Am I insane, or is this thing really not any louder at all with post gain above 5?
  11. 462studio

    Looking for input on new gear

    Hey all, I've recently put together a gearlist for my small project place. I'm noticing what I think are some serious gaps in my equipment. My first thoughts are microphones. Thinking that I need an Audix D6 or a Shure SM7B as my next major purchases to help round out my available gear...
  12. 462studio

    Just got a 6505+, trying out tones

    Hey all, Recently my Dual Rectifier was injured in a freak accident, and until I get it repaired I purchased a new 6505+ as a replacement/backup/fun to have item. I've just put together a chugging riff VERY quickly with some EZDrummer DFH drums behind it. I would like to get some opinions of...
  13. 462studio

    Windtech DMC-2 Drum Mic Clips

    Hey all, My wife bought me a bunch of these for my kit and for the life of me I cannot figure out the proper way to mount them to my drums. Anyone have any examples of a good way to attach these to my drums? :goggly:
  14. 462studio

    Turning monitors on their sides

    So today just for fun I've turned the satellite speakers of my Event Tria system on their sides and I noticed a huge increase amount of detail in playback of things I've recorded and other music that I've listened to many times in the past. Turning them on their sides has placed the woofers...
  15. 462studio

    Sonor 3005 Kick & Snare Samples

    Hi All, I just recently made a couple of gogs from my Sonor 3005 kit. I've collected many samples from all of you and I figured I would do my part and chip in to the collection. These are the first gogs I've made, so please let me know if there are issues with them...
  16. 462studio

    New Song The newest song called "I do my crosswords in blood". Haha cute song title. Just a quick demo I did for my friends band on a few hours on a Saturday :)
  17. 462studio

    First Metal recording in a while

    Hey guys, Here is a link to my first metal recording I've done in some time. I've only done probably four or five demo length recordings in the past six or seven years as I'm mostly a guitarist, but I've gotten more and more into production recently. Let me know what you think of the...
  18. 462studio

    Seeking Drum Kit Miking Advice

    Hi All, I'm going to be recording a few drum tracks for a friend soon and I'm looking to add to my collection of equipment to better accommodate recording a drum kit. I do plan to try my hand at some sound/sample replacement on this recording because the kit is a relatively inexpensive set...
  19. 462studio

    Opinions Wanted: 22" LCD vs. 20" LCD

    Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade my monitor (visual) situation from a 20" CRT Sony and a 17" CRT Sony to two flat LCDs of the same relative size. I just can't take my visual limitations in Cubase any more! I'm looking at the Dell 22" E228WFP LCD and the 20" E207WFP displays. Both running...