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  1. Sjusovaren

    Triumphant return!

    Evile were just confirmed for the Getaway Rock Festival ( ), improving on an otherwise pretty poor lineup IMO. More importantly, Evile are finally playing in Sweden again which is great. Now I just hope they make it worth the wait. :popcorn:
  2. Sjusovaren

    So this diet & exercise-thing actually works?!

    In March this year, I stepped on the scale here at home and almost lost it. I had finally reached the point I was dreading, I was over 100 kilos/220 pounds in weight which is pretty damned bad seeing as I'm just around 175 centimetres tall. :yuk: After five minutes of panic, I sent a...
  3. Sjusovaren

    Happy birthday Ol!!!

    A massive happy birthday-greeting goes out to our very own Ol! :kickass: HB man, hope you are doing very well and that you have a lot of fun in Austin, Texas tonight! I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Sweden. :)
  4. Sjusovaren

    NGD! =D=D

    Yeah, I got a new guitar today. :) Got it for some cash and an old "beginner" bass so I'm happeh! Called the delivery company as soon as Sweden were done whipping Finland in the Olympics hockey and they delivered it an hour or two later (can't remember, I was too excited about the new guitar...
  5. Sjusovaren

    New Ibanez day (and I want to show the new baby to Chris, haha)

    I recently bought a "vintage" Ibanez from the 1970s, a Les Paul with a DiMarzio Steve Morse set (got them installed by the guy I bought it from) and so I wanted to show my new baby to Chris and see what he thinks. Next time Megadeth play in Sweden, you're more than welcome to try it if you want...
  6. Sjusovaren

    Weird-ass dreams...

    Post yours! I had two really weird one last night. First, me and my mom were in London, completely lost (with me trying to find the nearest guitar shop) and we get kidnapped at gun-point. Turns out that in the end, it was by our close relatives just to get some extra cash.... :ill: Wtf...
  7. Sjusovaren


    Picked this up at the local shippingthing today. :D Been playing with it during the day and I really like it! It's from 1976 and there's a DiMarzio Steve Morse-set in it. :D Really cool guitar for sure. :) I love how metallic the inlays are, looks awesome!
  8. Sjusovaren

    Son of a fuck!

    So I went to buy Infected Nations from the local store, like a good little Evile fan.. But when I got there (after an hourlong busride), I didn't see anything propped up on "new releases".. So I thought "Wtf?" and went to ask the guy at the cashier.. Apparently, IN doesn't come out in Sweden...
  9. Sjusovaren

    I had no idea that thrasherdave used to

    be black!
  10. Sjusovaren

    Currently reading

    Y'know, post what book you're currently either lunging yourself at or glance at every 5 weeks. The Kiterunner.
  11. Sjusovaren

    New plank day! (Jackson content)

    Okay, so after going through both a JS30 Dinky and a KV2 and ending up selling both, I thought "I guess Jackson isn't the company for me". However I saw an ad in what you could call the Swedish equivalent of Craigslist on the sale of a used RR5. So I e-mailed the guy, asked what he wanted for it...
  12. Sjusovaren

    T-Shirt Hell is closing is closing, sadly, so if you've planned on buying from there, do it now! I ordered four tee's last night.
  13. Sjusovaren

    Alex Skolnick

    is a God. Discuss.
  14. Sjusovaren

    What albums should I start with?

    I've been watching a few vids involving mr. Murphy (Death, the solo he did for Roadrunner United and a couple Testament ones) and I've been really impressed, so I'd like to ask what albums he's on that people here recommend that I get first. I consider myself pretty open minded when it comes to...
  15. Sjusovaren

    Gave my Jackson a slight pimping.. (The Iron Maidens related)

    Looks much better now. :p Thanks to Jenna for the sticker. :rock: :D
  16. Sjusovaren

    Some of my lyrics, opinions are appreciated. :)

    Gates of Hell: (Slow, acoustic intro) I don't know how to get there , I don't know what I'll find there. But all I know is that I have to try, to stop the end of the world. (end of the intro) /insert distorted riffing Verse 1: Somewhere beyond the distant sky, where evil spirits dwell on...