Search results

  1. Dazed and Brutal

    Outsider Metal

    This a difficult term to really pin down. From my understanding, for something to fit the "Outsider" label it has to to be a sincere attempt at crafting something conventional, but fails due the creator either being 1) batshit or 2) lacking any sort of 'classical' training. Whether or not these...
  2. Dazed and Brutal

    Dynamic Splits

    I've come across some really awesome splits lately. I find the split format to be incredibly rewarding if the sequencing is on point and the bands offer minor variations on an over arching theme. Here are some of my top rated: Death Metal: Altar / Cartilage - Ex Oblivione / The Fragile...
  3. Dazed and Brutal

    Hot Soss

    Have a hankering for hot sauce and mac'n'cheese as of late. Recommend some personal favorites
  4. Dazed and Brutal

    The Flaming Thread

    Not sure if this is appropriate, but good be a could place the vent. Just talk shit about your fellow comrades, rather it be jokingly or not...:goggly:
  5. Dazed and Brutal

    Da Food Thread

    We all need food to survive, though some get glutinous with it (Krig). And I got the motto to live luxurious and just ate some filet mignon. I like it medium rare, howa boutch yall
  6. Dazed and Brutal

    Great bands with little material

    Such a same some of these bands don't have more Cartilage - among some poorly produced demos, they released a split album with Altar entitled Ex Oblivione/The Fragile Concept of Affection which, with only 7 songs by cartilage, is easliest on the best things I have in my collection. They have...
  7. Dazed and Brutal

    Occult Noise in ya DOME piece

    Being the drunk man I am, I decided to make a list of black album metal albums that give me a boner and should be heard by all you wonsdderful peasents. Note thaty I hate Emperor and that this list is in no real order. FUCK YALL
  8. Dazed and Brutal


    For you veterans of the forum, i guess, howdy! Anway, I would like to hear the chronicles of the shutdown. Those who have been the victim of a snitch, caught in the act, or just plain made aloof by another. Situations to an explanation or a response renders nothing but a deeper grave...
  9. Dazed and Brutal


    To-kill-ya has always been my favorite liquor because it makes me crazzzzy. Discuss! You know you fiend for it
  10. Dazed and Brutal


    Anybody else listen to Tago Mago! Fucking brilliant prog!
  11. Dazed and Brutal


  12. Dazed and Brutal


    Epitome of modern Doom/Death, gritty yet clean, evil yet catchy, I think I'm in love. The guitarist and bassist (women of my dreams) are married and they're clearly bonded by evil as their 11 releases haven't shown any decline in quality. They've released their 11 albums over the course of 10...
  13. Dazed and Brutal

    Does this make me a total douche?

    Yesterday evening I almost found myself in a street brawl with two grown men, mind you I'm 17. I did have 6 of my friends near by, but they were two serious lookin dudes wit cock rocket motorcycles. Either way it was started over a newport. The apprehension when something like this: Two...
  14. Dazed and Brutal

    Steven Harris's Daughter! Got this from another forum, but holy shit!
  15. Dazed and Brutal

    Top 10 Favorite Bands

    With all these specific top 10's lets get general here. Your favorite bands, simple as that (or is it?:p) 1. Agalloch 2. Demilich 3. Graveland 4. Darkthrone 5. The Chasm 6. Iron Maiden 7. Summoning 8. Black Sabbath 9. Slough Feg 10. Cirith Ungol
  16. Dazed and Brutal

    Why Major Records should carry independent music

    I have grown entirely sick of having to order shit of the internet! Being 17 I have to nag my parents, as pathetic as it is, to let me borrow their credit card. And though I end up giving them cash, they hate me doing this. Also, the only independent stores I know that carry metal are too far...
  17. Dazed and Brutal

    Top 10 Favorite OSDM Releases

    We talk about old school death metal enough for this to be appropriate. Lay it all on the line, what's your personal top 10. 1. Demilich - Nespithe (no surprise here) 2. Cartilage/Altar - Ex Oblivione/The Fragile Concept of Affection 3. Molested - Blod Draum 4. Demigod - Slumber of Sullen...
  18. Dazed and Brutal

    Legendary Splits

    Necromentia/Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins Two monsters of Greek Melodic Black teamed up to create a majestic yet dark slab of music that's nothing short of perfection. The material on this split is nothing to be taking lightly as it is, imo, the best material ever written by...
  19. Dazed and Brutal

    Overlooked Essentials - First Wave Black Metal

    Lately I've been heading back in time to completely (or at least attempt to) go through the essentials that brought to where we are today. Not to mention most of what I've found has been ace as fuck Bulldozer - IX Necrodeath - Into the Macabre Mefisto Tormentor - Anno Domani Root...
  20. Dazed and Brutal

    Best Drunken Metal

    I'm drunk and took a huge shit. Now tell me what to listen to assholes!