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  1. Astrum

    Anyone want to play a PbP?

    Hey everyone, this goes out to role players/creative writers/ or anyone with a little time to dedicate to a PbP RPG! the beautiful thing about PbP is that you can really play whenever you want. I happen to be moderating one that is really open ended and gives you a lot of creative freedom...
  2. Astrum

    my interpretation of nondualism as it relates to being able to prove god as fact

    So I wrote this on a blog after a post about non-dualism because I thought the information about non-dualism that was posted was a good jumping off point for one of my most outspoken beliefs - the rather Hindu interpretation of spirituality as a science and a scientifically provable God, and...
  3. Astrum

    What you really are (and aren't)m and why, Plus how to prove it.

    So this about sums it up, a short version I typed right here in this window specifically to get the point across, and an equation to test it by. My friend and I came to the logical conclusion of all life and the existence of true God, I had a mental breakthrough, and everything is completely...
  4. Astrum

    eastern feel

    I have a desire to listen to some new music with an eastern feel to it, not so agressive, not so extreme (or so extreme, if it must be so). metal or not, doesn't matter to me. preferably pretty "out there". open to your own interpretation. rec away!
  5. Astrum

    news-old guy in jail smart fucker to run around for 15 years. or who knows what really went on
  6. Astrum

    deep music.

    so i dipped out of metal for quite a while, and i'm just recently getting re-aquainted with my old love but i'd like some new bands to add to my collection. i'd like some thought provoking, deep, unique enjoyable music (lyrically or otherwise, being very general) that i can get lost in...
  7. Astrum

    the living universe, and misunderstood religion

    I was browsing threads to see if i could express some of my opinions about this matter in relation to another conversation, but i had too many vauge options so i decided to put this out here on my own. there are two parts. i have done a lot of reaseach, general learning and some interesting...
  8. Astrum

    guild wars!

    anyone play this? Been getting into it recently, it's not the best but it's not half bad. playing with some people on here would be cool, if anyone does
  9. Astrum

    be gentle

    It's been a while since me and black metal spent some quality time together, and I don't know if I'm ready to hop right back in to the raw stuff I used to love before I went music-exploring. I haven't exactly been keeping up, what are some good new albums that contain some melody and wont turn...
  10. Astrum

    sony vaio?

    anyone else have one of these laptops? i bought one about a week ago and i am thoroughly satisfied, but the touch pad blows. sometimes it is completely unresponsive and not nearly sensitive enough. it kind of pisses you off when you tell it to go somewhere and it just kinda stays. anyone else...
  11. Astrum

    cat in a tree. seriously.

    so i was outside smoking a ciggarette last night, and i hear my car freaking out. mind you, shes been missing for three or four days. and she is a tiny little girl of a cat, but like 5 years old. turns out shes in a tree, up like 30 feet. tried everything to get her out, then finally called the...
  12. Astrum

    How about...

    ...something melodic and emotional; something I can get into but not too heavy. Keep it within black and death metal. And nothing obvious. edit-pretty vauge, I know, but I'm just looking for anything along those lines. I'm all out of music :(
  13. Astrum

    A worldwide conspiriacy?

    What's with all the famous people dropping like flies? Bernie Mac, Heath Ledger, Richard Wright, Norman Whitfield, all dead. Travis Barker of Blink 182 was in a plane crash the other day and him and one other dude were the only survivors, but he is in a burn center at a major hospital...
  14. Astrum

    okay, pretty simple.

    Give me stuff that is absolutely brutal as shit. I don't care if it is technical or simple with lots of chugging or slamming or what, I dont even care if it's a little deathcore. Just as long as it's fucking good and brings the words, holy shit, thats fucking brutal, to mind. yeah im in that...
  15. Astrum

    A good site for LISTENING to metal.

    I'm at my dad's house for a few days now, and I have no music on his computer or anything. And let me tell you, it gets pretty damn boring here. So what are some good, non-myspace sites for listening to all kinds of metal? Just so I don't go insane with boredom while I'm here.
  16. Astrum

    Give me something

    that will move me. I don't really care what genre it is, but give me something that is going to evoke some sort of emotion in me, some sort of strong feeling. Something that I can sway to as well, or headbang to, or wave my fucking lighter in the air to, I don't care. I don't care how brutal it...
  17. Astrum

    writing thread

    So I am a writer, if anything other than a musician. I enjoy writing poetry and have a decent folder filled with poems I have written, but I am much more keen with writing short stories, novellas (or something roughly the length of a novella) and screenplays. I've been completely stumped lately...
  18. Astrum

    big news.

    im going to be a father. im fucked, my life is ruined. so, errr, anyone here ever had a kid in high school? any advice? :erk:
  19. Astrum

    I would have to say, I missed this place quite a bit.

    I started getting e-lonely so I asked Deron to unban me. What a good guy :kickass: So hows things?
  20. Astrum

    haha holy shit

    These kids (specifically the guitarist) are/is fucking amazing.