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  1. Rekisum

    Cubase SX3 og Superior 2.0 problem.

    When i try to use others presets in Superior 2.0 it seems like the drums are getting loaded. After finishing loading i play a drumpiece, and in Memory & Status i get this "Not Loaded". The drums only sounds like the defaultkit. Someone wrote in another thread the following: "Make sure your...
  2. Rekisum

    RECT-O-VERB nr. 488

    I've waited for a Laboga Mr. Hector over a month, but sadly every thing that could go wrong did go wrong. I could wait a few months and then get the amp, but it would be more expensive!! And then... i found this Mesa Boogie Rect-O-Verb, and it is number 488 produced!! I'm so high right now...
  3. Rekisum

    POD XT PRO, DFH Superior and death metal...

    ... goes well together? This is my latest creation, it's far from done. Only drums and four guitars so far... that's it. The drums in the last part is not good... yet. Do you like?
  4. Rekisum

    A quick metalproduction.

    The track called The Path Laid Out (Cubase version)... Press the little red player.
  5. Rekisum

    Do you like this? (metal).

    Testa Two: It's made in Cubase... POD XT PRO and DFH S. (Activate the little red player!). Feedback!?