Search results

  1. Reaping Clarity

    So What Happened To Martin Lopez?

    I know he left the band some time ago now, but as I was watching the DVD that came with the Watershed C.E. there was an interview with Axe. Basically he stated that Martin had become sick and that he only thought he would fill in for him while he was ill, then he went on to say that Martin...
  2. Reaping Clarity

    Anyone Here Going To The Brisbane Show (12/1)

    Can't fucking wait for this show, just like to know of any of my fellow forum members will be fucking shit up at the concert also :kickass: And fuck, just realised I have 5 hours of them to listen to in preparation...:cry: VIKING FUCKING POWER!
  3. Reaping Clarity

    Writing For New Album Complete!

    Just received in the Daylight Dies Newsletter: "We're pleased to announce that all songs for our third album have been written. This includes eight songs that add up to roughly 50 minutes in length. This is certainly our most varied and dynamic effort, with simultaneously our meanest and our...
  4. Reaping Clarity

    Need Some Help Guys

    Hey guys, I'm going to have to make this quick. I am currently doing a film assignment based around music videos, the production process and social impact blah blah. I've got to the metal video section of my essay. WHAT I NEED FROM YOU - Any gruesome metal music videos you know of, doesn't...
  5. Reaping Clarity

    An Arthouse Film I Made

    Hey guys, this is just an arthouse film I made for a school assessment, I am interested in hearing your opinion about it. It's called 'Shades Of A Broken Canvas' Enjoy!
  6. Reaping Clarity

    Does anyone know where I can find Mjolnir Necklace? (Like Ted's)

    Hey guys, I'm just wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a Mjolnir Necklace, similiar to the one which Ted Wears? (picture below). Anywhere on the internet, or in Brisbane, Australia would be great. Thanks in advance!
  7. Reaping Clarity

    Worst Possible News You Could Think Of?

    If you don't understand the thread title, basically I'm asking what's the worst possible news you can think of in relation to metal that would piss you off/sadden you the most? (Note, that its hypothetical and not something that has actually happened.) The worst possible thing I could think...
  8. Reaping Clarity

    Opeth Song On Show 'Criminal Minds'

    Did any Aussies catch this episode last night? They played 'Death Whispered A Lullaby' during a scene, I ended up watching the whole episode, pretty good show.
  9. Reaping Clarity

    Update On New Album!

    Demoing New Songs "We now are forging past the halfway mark of the new album and decided to demo a couple songs this past weekend for perspective. The new songs thus far consist of a mix of beautiful melancholic leads and harsh dissonant rhythms; despair driven hooks and the overall dark...
  10. Reaping Clarity

    Scariest/Spookiest Experience?

    Whats the scariest/spookiest thing ever to happen to you? whether it be from something paranormal or just some random freak following you, please share your stories. I'll post mine later, it's late now and I cannot be screwed =D.
  11. Reaping Clarity

    Bands You Used To Love, But Now Loathe

    What bands did you used to absolutely adore, but in time grew a hatred with a passion for? For me: -In Flames (Though I'm still partial to their early works) -Arch Enemy -Cradle Of Filth -Slayer (*Awaits flaming brigade for this one*) -System Of A Down -Axamenta -DÅÅTH -Slipknot...
  12. Reaping Clarity

    I'm Stuck In A Rut

    Which album do I get next!? (Only have $$$ enough for one) Summoning - Dol Guldur OR Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain I have a few tracks from both the albums and they're fucking great, I can't decide which one to purchase so...I PITCH THE QUESTION TO YOU UM Forum people, WHICH ONE DO I...
  13. Reaping Clarity

    Live Footage From Sweden Rock Festival June 7, 2007

    Hey I just came across these on YouTube, the camera man mainly focuses on Frederick, but hey he's a fucking awesome drummer, and they're 2 kick ass songs. CRY OF THE BLACK BIRDS VICTORIOUS MARCH Enjoy! :kickass:
  14. Reaping Clarity

    Where would be the best place for me to purchase Amon Amarth attire on the internet?

    Hey guys, I just got my PayPal account and am currently waiting for funds to go into it. I was just wondering where would be the best (by this I mean the cheapest) online merchandise store for me (I live in Australia), to purchase an Amon Amarth shirt?
  15. Reaping Clarity

    Metal Songs That Have Been In Movies

    Hey guys I currently have a music assignment in which I must perform a song which has appeared in a movie, even if it has been played on a radio (in the movie) for a split second, it still counts. I am quite intent on doing a metal song, but I am having trouble finding movies with them. The...
  16. Reaping Clarity

    What albums are on your to-buy list?

    Just post the albums you're wanting to/going to buy. Anyway, here's mine. 1349 - Beyond The Apocalypse Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain Axamenta - Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture Behemoth - Demigod Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss Dark Lunacy - The Diarist Daylight Dies - No Reply Deeds Of Flesh -...
  17. Reaping Clarity

    A question about PayPal

    Hey Guys I am just planning to transfer some money into my PayPal via bank account, my question is that it says I need to be 18 to have a PayPal account *I am 17, so I thought close enough*. If I enter my bank information into PayPal so I can transfer money, will they figure out I am under 18...
  18. Reaping Clarity

    A few questions about buying merchandise from

    Hey guys, I'm interested in buying a shirt from, but I just have a few questions so I'm can be completely sure on what I'm doing. I live in Australia and the only prices presented on the site are for the U.S. and world, which is $20. Considering I fall under the 'world'...
  19. Reaping Clarity

    Virginia Tech Shootings

    I'm sure everybody would have heard about this now, in case you haven't: This just came as a great shock to me, 33 people were killed, this is the biggest school related shooting in America, even outdoing Columbine. What are...