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  1. gabriel g.

    XMAS present from my band

    I wrote this song, tracked, produced, mixed and mastered everything. Now I did the directing and cut of this video. Please check it out. Its a fun and family video
  2. gabriel g.

    Framus Cobra for sale (germany / europe) Framus Cobra in perfect condition for sale . Asking for 1300€ Cheers
  3. gabriel g.

    Framus Cobra for sale (germany / europe) Framus Cobra in perfect condition for sale . Asking for 1300€ Cheers
  4. gabriel g.

    who wants to order my bands first full length?

    Hey guys. Blastbeatproduction (Ollli) did that and I thought it was a cool idea so I wanted to ask who wants to buy my bands first full length directly from me? CD includes eleven tracks and costs 10€+postage . I think this will be 12€ in germany, 13€ everywhere in europe and I have no...
  5. gabriel g.

    YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS ( band/ best production/3.kick ass music vidio)

    I did the tracking, mixing and mastering. If you have any questions ask me anything video was done by the same dudes that did the last stick to your guns, for the fallen dreams and everytime I die vids cheers
  6. gabriel g.

    check out my bands new song (new school hardcore ala bury your dead)

    tracked, mixed, mastered by me. if you want any insights on the production feel free to ask me anything. Album will be released world wide on august the 17th if you like it would be nice if you leave a "like" on our facebook page cheers
  7. gabriel g.

    the perfect bass

    Hey guys my bass player gets an endorsment custom shop bass. We play drop-A and we really have no idea what to use. 4/5 string. Mostly thinking about 4 string but with longer scale ... should sound agressive and clanky (like a fender jazz in E transformed to drop-A) so the questions is...
  8. gabriel g.

    my band I AM REVENGE studio diaries

    Part1: NEW STUDIO DIARY: as promised Studio Diary #2 Guitar porn included
  9. gabriel g.

    Fuck thats heavy (new THE GHOST INSIDE TRACK)

  10. gabriel g.

    Lessions I learned the hard way (studio stuff)

    1. Preproduction is the shit! -It clears up arrangment stuff. Shows you what the band members can play (which guitar player should play which song) -Shows the drummer what he can play, and what doesnt make sense -helps the singer write and shape his lyrics 2. Good cymbals -you...
  11. gabriel g.

    Mixing and Mastering service (free slots in May and June)

    So everybody is doing it I have to do it too :) I am booked out till the end of april after that I am open for new projects. I offer producing, tracking, mixing and mastering. If you would like to work with me you have to send me some kind of pre-production. If you want me to mix and/or...
  12. gabriel g.

    one of my recent productions

    Billy the kid from Costa rica. First english release. This was done with a contra workflow to Joey :) Drums are not edited at all because the drummer was amazing. All drums are completely real besides the kick which got a trigger blended in. Guitars are all real (5150 and framus cobra)...
  13. gabriel g.

    one my recent productions

    Did all the tracking, mixing and mastering. Video was shot in our studio. Lemme know what you think ps: first time working with a world-touring band :)
  14. gabriel g.

    So my first custom guitar is ordered :)

    I got offered an b-endorsment buy a small but growing company (more like one guy building guitars and earplugs) We got everything sorted out, so my first custom is finished when we hit the studio for our first full length in mid march. The first one will be more classic because of the super...
  15. gabriel g.

    realy cool metalcore band I produced

    they posted the first track of their upcoming EP (no need for a like or something) session was super funny and the dudes were super nice company
  16. gabriel g.

    Got the heaviest infection in the xmas hollydays

    It started at the second xmas hollyday (i think the 27th) with a pain in my right ear. After some natural medicine the pain went away and then the next day BAM. I got a fever and slime was comming out my noise like crazy. I couldnt breath through my noise till the day before yesterday. Hearing...
  17. gabriel g.

    latest mix (world touring hardcore band)

    maybe some of you guys know them. They are called xBilly the kidx from Costa Rica sorry for the über short teaser but I think I could get problems otherwise. Drums are all real besides the kick which...
  18. gabriel g.

    drumming the synthesizer

  19. gabriel g.

    REAL OLDSCHOOL HARDCORE (REAL!!!!!!) check it out. All real (snare sample mixed under the real snare like 30% because the drummer hits so dynamic it was nearly useless ;) ) besides that all real. no samples on the kick or toms mostly real snare real amps no...
  20. gabriel g.

    Presonus Central station and remote

    Installed it today and realy realy liking it!!! I have a level pilot and the central station is as colorless as the pilot. The features are awsome. Also there is no difference in sound with the remote and without the remote. Some guys tell that on gearslutz