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  1. messakin

    just started

    I just bought my first katatonia cd The Great Cold Distance about two weeks ago and i haven't stop listening to it. I was somewhat suprised at how good the cd was since a friend of mine recommended opeth to me when i told him i like the song leaders from katatonia. Me being new to both bands...
  2. messakin

    unlisted death track

    Ok.I got S.O.P. album from death and there is a track at the end of the cd thats sound a little different from the rest of the album. As i usually do when i buy a cd i just threw the case aside and didn't realize the track was not list on the back of the case or in the booklet. I'm Just...
  3. messakin


    Deos anyone know where i would be able to find albums by katatonia at decent price. I'm not big on dl since i dont have a pc at home and most cds by katatonia cost upwards of 20 dollars on amazon no including shipping. Any help would really rock ass!!
  4. messakin


    I've haven't heard much from katatonia. I've only heard one song and i didn't get the name of it. The song kinda sounded like tool on steroids and it caught my attn. For someone who wants to get into this band what album would be a good starting point?
  5. messakin


    Any fans of the deftones? I'm a big fan of thier sound, i have all of thier albums, i like the first two the best. I just got the new one and i havent been able to listen to it since i'm at work. Has anybody heard the new album? If so how does it compare to the old ones?
  6. messakin

    help with avatar

    Can anyone here show me how to put up an avatar and sig. I tried the thread in the introduce yourself area, but the link seems to not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
  7. messakin

    why hate metalcore

    why do you people hate so much is it because its the popular thing to do or do you have a real reason to dislike it, and can anyone give me a clear definition of what metal core is. i've read that if it has clean vocals with growls its metalcore but lamb of god is still metal core???
  8. messakin

    other people

    I've noticed that when it comes to metal the only people i know that like seem to be my brother and one of his friends. Whenever i ask around with my friends or family they either can't stand it or only seem to like nu metal, metalcore or ozzy. Is it just me or it like this with everyone...
  9. messakin

    noob question

    I'm new here so forgive me if this has been done before, if so point me in the right direction and ignore my question. Yesterday i had been talking to a friend about metal, when he said that As I Lay Dying was a death metal band. I might be wrong but i told him that they weren't because i'm...
  10. messakin


    I've been listening to rock for a long time. I like grunge to nu metal to some metalcore, but just recently my brother gave me some deicide, death, sepultura, and entombed. I was just wondering what style of metal these bands fall into so i can dig deeper and see what i can find. Any help would...
  11. messakin


    What's up, i've always listened to some type of rock or another but the only real metal i listened to was pantera, old metallica and some nu metal. My older brother just introduced me to some of the stuff he heard as a kid and i loved it. I here to expand on what he showed me so i hope i'm not...