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  1. GuitarRage99

    Progressive Metal with Katatonia Influence

    Hello everyone who frequents this board, I just wanted to share my bit of music with the likes of those whom I feel would enjoy. Thanks for taking the time to take a peak! You can download our EP for free at our site!
  2. GuitarRage99

    For my AA Forum Friends!

    Its been awhile since I've posted ANYTHING here, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I have finally produced my bands first album, and of course I wanted to show you all, and get some CRITICISM from the best :tickled: Thanks!
  3. GuitarRage99

    Enemy Unbound

    This new song fucking rocks! Heard it on the Metal Blade link, gonna pre-order ASAP. Great shit fellas!
  4. GuitarRage99


    So I've had the pleasure of sharing the stage numerous times with this band. And they have just been signed to Metal Blade Records! Check em out
  5. GuitarRage99

    Heathenfest America!

    So last night I saw Vreid, Kivelstan Druid, Alestorm, Belphegor, and Eluveitie. Gotta say Eluveitie fucking blew me the fuck away. I went for them and Alestorm mostly. Alestorm fucking hilarious Scottish Pirate Metal. Belphegor... Great sounds, just not my cup of tea. Funny thing is I saw...
  6. GuitarRage99

    New Songs from Futilitarian

    Hey guys, its been awhile since I posted, and I just wanted to see how my fellow pyrawarriors dug our music and what not. And Jonah too... You stinky billy dick.:heh: Appreciate it guys, and as for Pyramaze. WHEN THE FUCK CAN I SEE SOME URBAN BREED SHIT!?:zombie: O yeah you need a link...
  7. GuitarRage99

    New Songs Up on My Bands Page!

    You'll hear our Amon Amarth influence.... Duh. Lol but we also went a little more Doom Metal. Cause well Swallow the Sun has stole my heart. Tell what you all think I would appreciate my fellow AA fans feedback :)
  8. GuitarRage99

    Re-Vamped Myspace Page

    It looks AWESOME!!! I'm quite impressed, it looks very professional now :D
  9. GuitarRage99

    Good Luck!

    To Pyramaze in the next days to come, I hear this is gonna be their biggest crowd they will have ever played for, ANDDDDDDD Urban's first time on stage with these fellows. I hope you guys keep us updated!!!! Regards! :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
  10. GuitarRage99

    Twilight of The Thundergod Proof of Purchase!!!!

    Just picked up in mail and god damn im happy as hell. FUCKING AMAZING:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
  11. GuitarRage99

    Tranquil Sin's First Show

    WAS LAST NIGHT!!!! We got a GREAT REACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and even received this amazing review.... Tranquil Sin Wow these guys owned and it was their first show. The Amon Amarth influence is really evident but it's good, solid melo-thrash. Made my night. We also had two people film the...
  12. GuitarRage99

    Written in Blood Sept. 13th

    I'm traveling out to Atlanta Sept 11th to see WIB on the 13th. Of course I'm going cause Jonah's band SOI was scheduled to play but due to some flaky douchebaggos WIB is headlining. Point on this thread was to see if any forum buddies were gonna be there. If so TELL ME so we can totally hang.
  13. GuitarRage99

    Fan of The Month

    Lol I got fan of the month for August :P... I feel a bit out of place but hey more will come! Lol
  14. GuitarRage99

    My Band Tranquil Sin's First Song... Moongarm

    We have finally recorded our practice session today. And I figured my fellow Pyramaze fans would appreciate it. So tell me what you think Feel Free to add my page and myself Our official band page wont be put up til later this week so bear with me
  15. GuitarRage99

    My Band Tranquil Sin's First Song... Moongarm

    We have finally recorded our practice session today. And I figured my fellow Amon Amarth fans would appreciate it. So tell me what you think :) Feel Free to add my page and myself :) Our official band page wont be put up til later this week so bear with me :)
  16. GuitarRage99


    Congratulations! A first time they have graced the covers of a magazine.
  17. GuitarRage99

    Fucking Awesome

    So I was just having an ordinary day today then in the mail my dad yells at me that I got something from Las Vegas... I was like wtf. So i opened it and out came HUGE FUCKING THANKS TO JONAH! I would've never been able to get my hands on a copy of Immortal for quite sometime. Fucking...
  18. GuitarRage99


    One of my favorite bands right after Amon Amarth. If you like progressive power metal YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS!!!!! THis is from their new album Immortal! Coming out in June. The album debuts the return of Iced Earth's vocalist Matt Barlow!
  19. GuitarRage99

    New Fan!

    So I was on the Amon Amarth forum and someone mentioned The Absence. So i checked them out, and well HOLY FUCKING SHIT. They kick some serious fucking ass.
  20. GuitarRage99

    The Invaluable Darkness Tour Part 2... Wish You Were Here AA

    So yesterday I went to see Dimmu and Behemoth. I was blown away by Dimmu's opening. They had demonic Bishops come out on stage holding those things they swing that have smoke in em. Anywho the show was ok... However I was thinking the whole entire time... I wish Amon Amarth was playing right...