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  1. BasilisK

    I need whatever this stuff is

    I don't know what subgenres bands like to be called these days. I need more of this. :err:
  2. BasilisK

    "Apocalyptic" melody?

    Something like Fleshgod Apocalypse or Keep of Kalessin. Fast, clean. I don't know how else to describe the melody than that. You know what I mean. Like Krisiun's sound in the 90's (or maybe they're still around). Symphonic elements are okay as long as it's not what's driving the music, like...
  3. BasilisK

    Now: eating/drinking/playing/watching/doing/whatever

    The updated "Now..." thread.
  4. BasilisK

    A New Thread

    This thread doesn't have any major purpose, but we need some new threads in this forum rather than reusing the same ones to post everything. The huge threads really slow the servers down. Plus the place looks more alive when we have more threads than we did last month. So.... there!
  5. BasilisK

    Harry Potter: Horsefucker Don't act surprised.
  6. BasilisK

    Will Rahmer Arrested in Poland

    Ugly news for Mortician fans... Wonder what's true and what's not, Will's always been a very cool guy (whether you like Mortician or not). From " Poland's Gazeta Wyborcza is reporting that MORTICIAN vocalist/bassist Will Rahmer is likely to spend the next few weeks at a...
  7. BasilisK

    Chat With God!

    Link was posted in another forum. Pretty fun toy. - Click [ENTER] My conversation with God: (This thing has a pretty decent AI) Me: Say something. God: " something". Me: Don't be a smartass. God: I was not trying to be a a...
  8. BasilisK

    Official "What did you do today?" Thread

    So it's been kinda dead around here lately..... So here's something everyone can post on. Title says it all.
  9. BasilisK


    World Champions - 2004 :kickass: :worship: :rock:
  10. BasilisK


    EDIT: Bumped from obscurity since it has been mentioned again :) What are some of the interesting/weird/etc dreams you've had? Maybe a really weird dream you had that you can remember. Maybe a recurring dream that you have often. Hell, post what you dreamed about last night if you're...
  11. BasilisK

    Goddamn Radeon Catalyst Drivers

    Ok, I've hit a hundred tech forums on the net and no one can seem to help with this problem. I'm having the infamous Catalyst driver crash problems a lot of you are probably familiar with. When playing games, the program with simply crash and return to the desktop. No freeze-up, no error...
  12. BasilisK

    Mozilla Firefox Plugins

    Anyone know how to get basic plugins to work with Firefox? (java, Shockwave, etc). I'm not a software guru. When I download Java VM, for example, during installation it lists your browsers for you to choose which one to install JVM to. Firefox is either not detected or not supported, it's not on...
  13. BasilisK

    Genesis Parachute Fails That sucks :erk: Was interested in what information was to be gathered.
  14. BasilisK

    Poll: The RTS Game Poll

    Decided to throw this out with the other video game poll. Favorite RTS/War Series.
  15. BasilisK

    Dawn rises again...

    It's a great fuckin day :notworthy
  16. BasilisK


    Ok, don't know you, but I caught your title and signature in a thread and it blew me away. The mighty Dawn is BACK?? I'm curious as to what else you might know... Are they really active and working on new material? Where's Tångmark? Is there any more activity with Choir of Vengeance? I...
  17. BasilisK

    Make some noise
  18. BasilisK

    BasilisK 3 7 77

    I'm not really new... But I don't post much because I don't know anyone here... So......... Yo. :wave:
  19. BasilisK

    Phoenix Metal Shops

    Hey guys, are there any metal shops left out there? I never head into Phoenix unless I have a reason, and since CDGB's closed, I have none. So I don't know what else is out there. Thanks in advance for any info. Cheers to Vehemence, still waiting for that new CD.
  20. BasilisK


    Just to throw out my favorite German band for the sake of the forum, it has to be Enid. These guys have one of the best keyboard players out there. Get over to the Elven Witchcraft mailorder (Latvia) and grab their Nachteganken demotape, it's a masterpiece! I mean, they have drums, guitars, and...