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  1. Uladyne

    Looking for feedback on my latest mix

    Hi guys, I haven't been active here for years but I couldn't think of a better place to turn to for some feedback on a mix I've been working on. All feedback is appreciated! Thanks! Oh pay no attention to the filename, it's a joke. I tend to get weird with filenames after I have like 20...
  2. Uladyne

    My band's new music video!

    Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've posted here, but I'd like to share my band's new video with you. It was all shot on 8mm film, and I'm stoked on how it came out. Let me know what you think!
  3. Uladyne

    My Band's New Music Video!

    Sorry for the link, we're not supposed to embed the video anywhere yet: Filmed/Produced/Edited by the Voytas Brothers. Let me know what you think!
  4. Uladyne

    Dragging Tempo Data with Items in Reaper

    How do? Basically I have a reaper file with like 12 songs in random order spaced out along the timeline. I would like to be able to drag the items around to rearrange them into a different order (for a live set) but I can't figure out how to make the tempo changes go along for the ride. So...
  5. Uladyne

    New Strictly 7 website is up! I know everyone is probably pretty familiar with Ola's awesome signature model by now, and now they have a site that doesn't look like it's hosted on geocities in 1998! :loco: Lots of guitar porn going on in the custom shop section! :rock:
  6. Uladyne

    When Did Americans Lose Their British Accents?

    I found this article pretty interesting and figured some of you may also find it so: Basically is says that what we commonly refer to today as the "British Accent" was something that developed after the colonies split from Britain, and prior...
  7. Uladyne

    Amp modelers for live use

    I don't really intend this to be a Pod vs axe fx vs real amp thread, as I know the axe fx slays the pod, and I would prefer a real amp over a modeler in most cases. I'm also not intending to use a Pod or Axe fx for any serious recording. I'll always go to a real amp for that. A bunch of my...
  8. Uladyne

    Pronunciaton: Vox = Vocks or Vokes?

    Sorry for the stupid question. I feel I've been mispronouncing this shortened term for many years. :Spin:
  9. Uladyne

    Finding a producer for our next album

    So we're really early in the pre-production process for our next record, and we've been discussing the idea of working with a producer. We're an independent band at the moment so obviously we won't be able to afford a Sneap or Townsend or anything like that, but we like the idea of bringing...
  10. Uladyne

    Tips for touring with a floating trem guitar

    Due to circumstances beyond my control (financial/theft) I will be using borrowing a guitar with a floating trem for our upcoming national tour which starts friday. I'm not completely afraid of floating trems, but I definitely prefer fixed bridges for the stability. I don't really have time...
  11. Uladyne

    Blood blister on my fretting hand thumb. Pop it?

    I hit my left thumb with a hammer at work today, and while I barely clipped it and it didn't hurt at the time, I quickly noticed the rapid formation of a gnarly blood blister. Common sense (and googling) says I should leave it alone and let it heal, but the damn thing is a good 3/16 of an inch...
  12. Uladyne

    Electronic/industrial/whatever song. Don't really know what I'm doing and need help. I know there aren't many "rules" when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I would still like to make this as listenable as possible. It's supposed to be kind of noisy and distorted, and the guitars are supposed to sound fake and...
  13. Uladyne

    I think I'm almost there but I need some Sneapster help

    Let me know what needs to be fixed if you guys would be so kind. This is just a raw mix with nothing on the master bus so you may need to turn it up a bit.
  14. Uladyne

    Good Xbox games that aren't 1st person Shooters

    It seems like all the "good" xbox games are 1st person shooters, and it seems like 90% of my game collection is comprised of 1st person games. I'm getting kind of tired of the genre. I'm really digging the demo for just Cause 2. Anything else worth checking out? I already have both Gears...
  15. Uladyne

    CPU upgrade from 2.0ghz to 2.4ghz - Noticable difference?

    I won't have the money for a new system for the foreseeable future, but I noticed my 5 year old motherboard (socket 939) supports the AMD Athlon 64 x2 4800+ 2.4 GHZ processor, which I've seen online at prices in the $50 - $75 range. This could be within the realm of possibility in the near...
  16. Uladyne

    Dude. Fuck Sonar.

    Seriously. Fuck it. I'm switching to Reaper as soon as I can scrape up $40. End of rant. Time for beer.
  17. Uladyne

    Vocalist Motivation

    Does anyone have any tips for motivating a vocalist to get "in the zone" for tracking vocals? In this case the vocalist is me. I'm home alone with a few hours available to track some vox, but I can't seem to get my mind in the right mode to deliver what I feel would be a genuinely inspired...
  18. Uladyne

    My PC is suddenly extremely noisy.

    Came back from a short little tour and suddenly my PC sounds like it's gonna fucking croak. I opened up the case and blew all the dust out with one of those spray cans but it's still sounding retard. Can't tell if it's the CPU fan or a case fan but according to speccy all temperatures are...
  19. Uladyne

    My band's music video is done!

    EDIT: Youtube version: The cheesy 80's horror movie intro/outro music was composed and recorded by yours, truly. :grin:
  20. Uladyne

    Please help me nail this down

    I'm working on a huge project, (think Devin Townsend as far as track count and layers) but my computer is a bit outdated for the task. Therefore I'm trying to nail down all the rhythm elements as much as possible before bouncing them down and starting on leads, vocals, synths, etc. I know I can...