Search results

  1. P

    Second Wave of Retro-Thrash

    Municipal Waste, Evile, Merciless Death... seems pretty suspect to me. I want to hear from DBB on this. The new Dekapitator is pretty good.
  2. P

    Interesting news for some
  3. P

    Dawnbringer contest!

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 17th April 2007 Win the New DAWNBRINGER CD -------------------------- Long-running heavy metal fanzine Lamentations of the Flame Princess is sponsoring a unique chance to win a free copy of the new DAWNBRINGER CD, 'In Sickness and In Dreams'. DAWNBRINGER mainman...
  4. P

    Another interesting article about heavy metal

    Something Awful: The Internet Makes You Stupid
  5. P

    Pharaoh street team

    Don't know if anyone here has the time or inclination, but Pharaoh (Tim, really) is building a street team to basically demand that record stores carry us, radio stations play us, and, if the antecedent is ever set to "true", people turn up for the shows. Fans who produce results are rewarded...