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  1. C

    New Forest Stream live vid...

    Hey there guys. Sorry to crash in on the announcement of the new live video you guys have. But it's been up for a while now and I figure there'd be some fans dying to see it!!! Sonm's growling vox are to die for. The atmosphere overall is to die...
  2. C

    Sleepy, early, and listening to Forest Stream

    I sit here at 6am in the early hours of an Eastern Australian morning, in a tiny office all by my lonesome, with the odd visit from the cute cleaner from Poland, but still, quite a drab morning. That all changes after putting on Forest Stream. I feel at peace while listening to this music...
  3. C

    Quarter tuning - Winter Solstice

    So I've noticed that you guys use some sort of Quarter tuning on Winter Solstice? Looks like C#F#BEG#C# but tuned up a quarter of a step. May I ask why? I've never found out why musicians do this. I suppose it certainly makes things sound different and unique - completely different sort of...
  4. C

    Forest Stream live vids

    Hey guys I was wondering if you had any live videos floating around anywhere that could be shared. I know a lot of bands really dislike sharing live vids and bootlegs, but I will never ever get to see you guys live, and I'm sure so many people are the same. Pleeeease consider what I've asked. I...
  5. C

    Newborn FS Fanatic

    Hey lads, I'm from Australia.. yeh miles away from Russia. You blokes are bloody awesome. I listen to your music while I do my pizza delivery work. I guess I figure you guys won't come to Australia, but have you ever played anywhere near Samara in Russia? My girlfriend was born there, and...