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  1. M

    anyone go to the London show?

    wow what an amazing gig! there was a real buzz in this beautiful old theatre type venue. great to see alex shredding it up like back in the day! the band sounded great and chuck's vocals were spot on. cool to hear 'electric crown' and 'let go of my world'. not forgetting 'the legacy'...
  2. M

    O/T anyone seen morbid angel on their current tour?

    well i just saw them tonight in london, and let me say it was an awesome gig. with dave vincent back in the band you can't go wrong! insane drumming too. they did all the early stuff like chapel of ghouls and evil spells. i was the only guy not dressed in black LOL. anyone else seen them...
  3. M

    O/T "the ladder theory"

    not sure if this has been discussed or posted here before but would be interested in your thoughts on this site:
  4. M

    sign dimebag's official obituary guestbook

    in case you guys have not seen this yet on blabbermouth. you can sign the official obituary guestbook here: forward the link on to other sites, you friends etc.
  5. M

    The Dimebag Darrell Memorial Fund

    in case you guys have not seen this yet on, i thought i ought to post it for all to see. spread the word round... "NationalNoise would like to send out condolences to the friends and family of Damage Plan. There has been a fund setup for the victims of this tragedy to cover...
  6. M

    anyone else think frankie got dissed on MMD?

    ok just got my copy today and not really viewed listened properly. but initial thoughts: to not include frankie on the extras section is plain out of order. the guy was in the band for like 15 years and to leave him out is plain rude. the excuse was very lame: "we ran out of time". yeah...
  7. M

    UK peeps get MMD now (and cheap) from here!!!

    DVD is only £11.64!!! (not inc. shipping) CD is £13.07!!! with shipping i've ordered...
  8. M

    still confused as to MMD track listings on each version!!!!!

    after looking on amazon: it seems that if you buy the CD version you get 19 tracks on the CD. but if you buy the DVD version you only get a CD with 12 tracks on it? AM I RIGHT? god who said metal had to be so confusing??? LOL someone please help.....
  9. M

    frankie's "TAINT" bass?

    anyone know what all the writing says on frankie's TAINT bass? i've never seen it close up enough to see what it says. why the word "taint"? what's the significance?
  10. M

    MMD t-shirt!!!!!

    look what i found:
  11. M

    any speculations as to frankie's departure

    i've not heard any speculations as to why frankie and the guys parted ways. up till now i've been racking my brains as to WHY? it came as such a shock that i still can't figure it out. i thought they were a real tight unit esp as charlie and him being related. i don;t want to stir shit up...
  12. M

    UK release date?

    does anyone know the UK release date for the DVD / MMA? i'm a bit confused: is the DVD going to be on CD too? and is that separate to the live in the studio re-recordings? i've not been paying attention... LOL
  13. M

    frankie quit or kicked?

    just occured to me that neither scott nor charlie actually said whether frank left or was fired. hmmm i guess the truth will come out at sooner or later. we will miss you frank. thrax will never be the same again. :wave:
  14. M

    thrax releases this year?

    am i right in thinking there will be 3 thrax releasese this year?: MMA, the live cd with accompanying dvd and the box set at christmas? does anyone know when MMA and the live cd+dvd will be released? thanks...
  15. M

    LEGACY demo on EBAY!!!!!!!

    just saw this and thought i'd share with everyone:
  16. M

    2 questions

    1) has scott always had his goatee since he shaved all his hair off? 2) i heard island will be releasing the box set - is this true?
  17. M

    where can i buy TTMB in the UK?? still haven't delivered it to me after 3 weeks of placing my order. they are fucking useless idiots. does anyone know a good UK online store that stocks it?? thanks!
  18. M

    who's going to carson daly show?

    i wish i lived in NY, i would love to go to this. i hope all NY fans will be there representing anthrax to the fullest. that hot chick from sopranos is on the show also!! not to be missed... book tickets here:
  19. M

    anihilator- any recommendations?

    ages ago i had 'alice in hell' which i thought was a pretty amazing thrash record. i never really followed the band but know they had about 10 line ups changes... i feel like dipping into their catalogue- can anyone recommend which are their best CDs? didn't they lose their thrash sound or...
  20. M

    no TTMB single in shops...

    is this fucking CD single out yet or what? i went to HMV and virgin in central london (perhaps the biggest stores in the land) and neither of them had TTMB or even knew about it. what shit fucking distribution!! how can we support the band and buy the single if the damn thing isn't even in the...