Search results

  1. PhilR

    I have recorded some songs and you can have them. For free.

    Because I'm such a generous person and my band are so awesome. :worship: No, really. Or just download them:
  2. PhilR

    Probably my best mix from the most unlikely material

    This is a mix that by rights should have turned out sounding like utter shit. It's just one of a few songs that my band threw down in our rehearsal space one night accompanied by beer, whiskey and pizza so the playing pretty sloppy as we only really wanted to get some demos of newer songs It...
  3. PhilR

    YEAR OF THE FLOOD - Apocalyptic D-Beat Metal/Crust

    Year Of The Flood hail from Nottingham in the UK. Drawing influences from ramming speed D-beat hardcore, doom and down-tempo sludge metal they use their music to paint a bleak picture of a world on the brink of it's ultimate self-consumption. Heavily inspired by the dystopian literature of...
  4. PhilR

    Editing/Mixing practice song for thems that want it

    This is a song recorded for my old bands final EP that was never finished due to us breaking up. I can never be bothered to finish it so I figured I'd turn one of the tracks over to you guys. We did the recordings on the cheap as much as possible. We tracked the drums at the studio but did...
  5. PhilR

    Good article to read from Trent Reznor

    Found this linked via GearSlutz. Worth reading, and presents some very pragmatic and positive advice for bands trying to get their shit together.
  6. PhilR

    My band Year Of The Flood's new EP available now.

    Just some spam to inform everyone that my bands new EP entitled "Redefine The Natural Order" is now available. We've been described by one kind soul at our last show as "Like Neurosis given a massive kick in the balls" which we're generally taking as a complement. :rock: Give us a listen, you...
  7. PhilR

    New song from my band online. d-beat/hardcore stuff.

    Finally finished up the mixes a couple of weeks ago and we're working on getting the artwork sorted so we can have some CD's to hand when we play some Europe shows in a few weeks time. Check it out y'all.
  8. PhilR

    My band are gonna be in issue 200 of Terrorizer mag

    My band Year Of The Flood are to be featured in the 200th anniversary issue of Terrorizer magazine. We've got a brief write-up in the "Choice Cuts" section and our song "Prophetic" from our debut EP "A Utopian View" also appears on the Fear Candy cover CD. :D
  9. PhilR

    New rehearsal room builds under way (image heavy)

    We're currently expanding our empire by adding another 2 practice rooms to the 4 we currently have (2 private hire and 2 casual booking). The first room measures at about 4.7m x 5.3m, the second will be roughly the same but I'll not find out for sure until I'm nearly done as the existing...
  10. PhilR

    Year Of The Flood - Epic d-beat crust/hardcore/metal

    This is epic D-Beat/Hardcore based loosely on the books of Margaret Atwood and Aldous Huxley. We're spreading the word that the human race is bringing our downfall with its arrogance.... the waterless flood is coming. "What is surprising here is although it's touted as d-beat, the pomp and...
  11. PhilR

    Anyone else going down to Hellfest next month?

    Me & 3 others are making the roadtrip by car from Nottingham. My first festival... ever! It's gonna be off the hook!
  12. PhilR

    Real drums, real amps, any old room, some cheapass mics and some proper hardcore

    A track from my latest band Year Of The Flood. Recorded in our rehearsal space with a few Skytronic mics, a couple of Studio Projects B1's, a lollipop-shaped T-Bone condensor, one Shure SM58 and an Audix i5. A little full speed d-beat heaviness. None of this beatdown tough guy bullshit. With a...
  13. PhilR

    Some late-night practiceroom recording from my band

    We jammed this out last night. Drums, bass & guitar tracked live with extra guitars and vocals overdubbed afterwards. Drums mics were a motley collection of cheapass clipons with StudioProjects LDC's on overheads. Guitars were miked with an Audix i5 and bass DI'd. I'm pretty happy with how well...
  14. PhilR

    FS: Riverside 7-string Guitar

    Price: £90 Location: Nottingham England This is a 7-stringer with the brand "Riverside Guitars". I've no idea where or when or by who it was made. I bought it from some chap in Dundee but I've not been able to find any info on it whatsoever! Double humbucking, with passive tone control. And...
  15. PhilR

    FS: Spector Q5 Pro Bass Guitar with hardcase

    Howdy all. I'm looking to sell on my Spector 5-string. It's been with me for years and I'll miss it but I'm moving away from playing the kind of music it's ideally suited for and looking to get myself a good 4 stringer instead. Location: Nottingham, England Price: £250 Shipping...
  16. PhilR

    Pimpin' my latest band

    Made a couple of vids this week with the band Cleaverhook I joined on drums recently and we need more attention from random internet peeps so here they are. Not really metal although we bust out some heavy riffs, more kind of heavy rock with a big dollop of Tool vibe. We were gonna make...
  17. PhilR

    Classic rock cover

    Ahoy. This was recorded on saturday, one track from amongst about 16+ covers recorded as a venue circulation demo. The whole thing was tracked live, vocals included. One guitar, bass DI, drums. No overdubs.
  18. PhilR

    Jet City 20H heads on Thomann for £241

    Any of you amp sluts gonna be picking one up? Thats a killer price tag for that kind of amp pedigree.
  19. PhilR

    How do play guitar?

    Well at the ideal age of 30 I decided to start trying to get back into playing guitar with an emphasis on "knowing what I'm doing". Unfortunately due to the nature of the internet being a colossal digital landfill I'm having a shitter of a time finding good quality, no-bullshit reference...
  20. PhilR

    So whats's the "Vintage 30" of Bass speakers?

    The Celestion V30 seems to have been awarded "best speaker" by the general player concensus. But if there's any similar opinion when it comes to bass guitar cab drivers then I haven't come across it. So, does anyone have any opinions? I'd like to try building my own cab at some point. :)