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  1. CorpseDeception


    Does anyone have a Tomtom (the gps navigator, not drums). I wanted to put an opeth logo where the arrow is, and I was wondering if anyone has one premade? I could make one, of course, but I'm inherently lazy. :) And here, let me post it before you have to waste your time doing so: 1st: Shit...
  2. CorpseDeception

    If you could take one song...

    ...out back and shoot it, which song would it be would it be? I would shoot In Mist She Was Standing.
  3. CorpseDeception

    May 3 show in Oakland

    Is it sold out? I went to ticketmaster and could not find it. The earliest date in May is the 12th.
  4. CorpseDeception


    I have heard that this band is kind of Opeth-ish. Has anyone ever heard of them, and what do you think? Do you recommend them or not? (With appropriate reasons as well, please.)
  5. CorpseDeception

    JRock, anyone?

    I'm going to the Fanime Con tomorrrow, but not only for anime. They have a decent selection of jrock, and I was wondering: who else listens to jrock and what bands do you like?
  6. CorpseDeception

    "Maim a Wish Foundation" game- Opeth themed!

    Since I know that you're hanging on the edge of you seat, I'll go straight into the explanation of the game. One person makes a wish, any wish for anything so long as it is Opeth themed, and the next person to post grants it, but adds a horrible consequence. (If the Opeth connection isn't...
  7. CorpseDeception

    Opeth for a drumline/field show theme

    Opeth would be so perfect for a drumline/field show theme (as stated in the title:) ). Last night I was at drumline and our instructor told us to take a break, during that break she told us about some of the themes she is thinking about for our winter show next year. After that she asked if...
  8. CorpseDeception

    Fellow marching band geeks?

    Are there any other people in marching band or drumline? If so, what do you play? I'm tenor section leader in drumline, and basically the only tenor for marching band. I'm such a band geek. :Spin:
  9. CorpseDeception

    What instrument(s) do you want to learn how to play?

    I've always wanted to learn how to play a string instrument, ex. lute. I've played some brass and woodwind, and I love percussion ('specially tenors), but I haven't ever played a string instrument. I think it would be awesome to learn, I would just have to find the time to learn.