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  1. E

    Saturnian! Extreme Symphonic Metal for fans of Emperor and Wintersun!

    Hey everyone, just wanted to share with people my new, reinvented band. Formerly known as Traces, we've revamped everything to show the amount of progression that's happened in the last year or so. Please check out the new demo song up at the moment! <img...
  2. E

    Like stupidly epic symphonic black/death metal?

    Then please check out Traces at! Our E.P. is out soon on Seige of Amida records and it's my first gig with them on May 9th at the Camden Underworld with Shining, Hate and many more bands so if you live in the UK and you like stupidly epic black metal then come check...
  3. E

    Traces - Epic Symphonic Extreme Metal from the UK Check out the songs on our Myspace and come see us play with Shining, Hate and many more at Infernal Damnation festival, Camden Underworld May 9th!!! E.P. out on Seige of Amida records in the summer, thanks for your time everyone!
  4. E

    Bands like new Imperanon?

    I know a lot of people hated the new demo but I really enjoyed it, and I wondered if there were any bands that had the same kind of sound that I may not have heard of?
  5. E

    Follow the reaper longsleeve

    Sorry if this questions been asked before, but does anyone know where I can find one? Thanks for the help.