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    Some Shitty Metal

    Hey guys, this is the first "mix" I've ever done. I seem to be at kind of a stand still, as it started out as really shitty sounding and now I think it's only kinda shitty sounding. I figure it would help to show some other people and see what they think...
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    Jeff Loomis Rhythm Tone

    Hey, guys, I'm here looking for some tips for getting that Jeff Loomis punch and clarity in my rhythm playing. When Jeff plays rhythm it's distinctively Jeff. He's one of the few players who has a unique lead AND rhythm sound. His rhythm has this attack that sounds like it's got a bass drum...
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    Unreleased demos

    Yesterday I was at a local gig and I met this guy and we starting talking outside because the band playing at the time was some run-of-the-mill deathcore, sooner or later I brought up Nevermore and he told me that he had somehow gotten a hold of the demo tracks from TGE. Are there the demo...
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    Shred Like Loomis Entries

    hay guyz I'm interested in seeing if there were any forum regulars who entered the contest. Here's my entry: Also, is anyone else having complications with getting their video to show up as a response to the CM video? I posted mine on the 15th, but I'm hoping CM is taking time zones...
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    Expecting to set up a studio

    Hey guys, recently I came into a good bit of money. Lately I've been extremely interested in the home recording scene, so I'm planning on changing my room into a full studio. I don't know if this is a great amount of money but I know it's probably enough to get started. I have about a little...
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    How to get that smooth lead tone

    Going to be recording in a couple days, and I've been without a good amp for the most part because my VHT is now in the shop (I bet that makes you guys happy, there WAS something wrong with it, which is a good thing) so I'm onto a different question: What would I boost/cut/add to my sound that...
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    So I have a new Podx3 Live

    My old PodXT live had a flimsy bass knob (in other words, I couldn't adjust the bass), and I was tired of it so I called Guitar Center to tell them I bought the warranty and I wanted a new PodXT live and they told me that they don't make new parts for them anymore or some shit, and that they...
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    Hannah Montana Noodz

    Anyone tried those new shakes from Wendy's? I bought one tonight on my way home because I like Frosties (LOL WHO DOSNT???) So I tried it and it tasted like it had fucking clay in it. CLAY I drank it all. Also:
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    The "Nevermore star"

    Next weekend I'm getting the Nevermore star tattooed on my arm, but there's a problem. I see 2 different pictures of the Nevermore star, one with the center point pointing up, the other with the center point pointing down. Which one is the 'official' version? Thanks. :)
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    My school paper

    I made a recent thread asking Steve for an interview so I can make my school paper. It's pretty late and I just got done writing it, and I thought I would post it. It turns out we couldn't actually use the interview, but instead we have to be minimalist with it. Yeah, my teacher is kind of wierd...
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    Hey Steve

    Hey man I took some lessons from you over the summer and I suddenly stopped, my parents say I can only take lessons during the summer because my school decided to kill me with work this year, but that's beside the point, kinda. Well, for my English elective class, I need to have an interview...
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    Is Nevermore going to do like Vital Remains and advertise on the internet for a new guitarist? Just reason at all. :Saint:
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    About Warrel's voice

    Just recently I've become more aware of how much I'd like to sing, and obviously I looked to Nevermore since Warrel has the most incredible voice I've ever heard. So, naturally, I wanted to see if I could hit the same notes Warrel could... you probably expected, I failed at...
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    Oh ya bby

    How bout I just pick u up and throw u on the bed and do the slow sext craw to u..stoping a few tims and kiss ur body..then stop and look deep in ur eyes....lean over and wisper in ur ear..Baby I love you so much thank you for giveing me the chance to take care of you...then look in ur eyes again...
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    How to grow a Smyth beard

    We all know Steve's signature facial hair, but what I'd like to know is how to grow it! Would I grow out a full beard and then cut it to the way he has it, or would I start growing it like his from the start and shave around it? :goggly:
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    Eighth Harry Potter

    I know I didn't like the last one, but this one is a literary masterpiece. If you don't read this then you're missing out on witnessing the work of a modern-day Shakespeare! A story spawned from the finger-tips of a pure literary genius
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    What is the N-word?

    Nothing anymore. It doesn't exist.,1,3039002.story?track=rss Oh, and: my pals