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  1. The Essence of Conviction

    Evergrey Demo

    Does anyone still have the demo tracks they gave with the website for the Glorious Collision pre-order? I tried asking Tom but he said he doesn't have them nor did he have anything to do with the website.
  2. The Essence of Conviction

    ProgPower USA XII DVD

    Featuring 2 songs from Evergrey's set: Bought it because I'm a fanatic. There's a YouTube preview on the website.
  3. The Essence of Conviction

    The Official Waiting In Line thread

    ... Just saw Rikard from Evergrey. Hope I get the shirt!
  4. The Essence of Conviction

    Official Going To the ProgPower Kick-Off Show Thread

    Just got my tickets, YES! :D
  5. The Essence of Conviction

    Restoring The Loss

    For anyone who missed them posting up the new song:,18059
  6. The Essence of Conviction

    Japanese Bonus Track

    Looks like I gotta buy the album twice again. :P Curse me for being an Evergrey completist.
  7. The Essence of Conviction

    Full Metal Jackie

    Anyone able to record the new song on the radio show?
  8. The Essence of Conviction

    Wasted Years Acoustic Cover!

    Special thanks to Somnium.
  9. The Essence of Conviction

    Underpain, a band that gives me an Evergrey vibe Check it out!
  10. The Essence of Conviction


    Just won a signed magazine picture of the 2002 line-up of the band on eBay, whoo! I hope one day to actually meet the band and get my own stuff signed...COUGHUSTOURCOUGH
  11. The Essence of Conviction

    New album news! (Sort of)

    Just trying to get get this thing rolling In the midst of masterings, layout discussions,deciding on single and video, news coming very soon That's from Evergrey's twitter.
  12. The Essence of Conviction

    Evergrey Pictures Collection

    This is my gift to you all, I've spent a ridiculous amount of time collecting all of these pictures/videos. Enjoy. :]
  13. The Essence of Conviction

    Evergrey guitar pick necklace

    Pretty cool and cheap too, I'm gonna buy one!
  14. The Essence of Conviction

    New Evergrey news..finally!

    Evergrey news update Hi friends! Been a long time since the last update but we are currently extremely deep into the songwriting and recording of the new album which should be released during the fall 2010. Do we need to tell you that it sounds good, great, fantastic… like always right ;)...
  15. The Essence of Conviction

    Caedes - Unworthy Existence

    Anyone ever hear this? It features Tom on guitar, pretty decent death metal. They only recorded this one demo. I can upload it if anyone wants because I doubt anyone can find a copy of the tape, lol.
  16. The Essence of Conviction

    Evergrey to headline at my house!

    I wish. :(
  17. The Essence of Conviction

    Bought my Dad "Torn" for his birthday.

    Since the forum is booming, I figured I'd share this tidbit of info for you guys. It's what he asked for and Best Buy happened to have a copy of the Limited Edition so I bought it for him. Carrrry on.
  18. The Essence of Conviction

    Best Evergrey album.

    With all the pointless arguing lately, I figured a nice poll would do us well. Cast your votes.
  19. The Essence of Conviction

    So it's been a month.

    After a month, how does everyone feel about the album?
  20. The Essence of Conviction

    The power of Evergrey.

    So, I was talking to this chick who's going through some problems and I had let her listen to Evergrey a few times from their myspace but nothing could have prepared me for what happened. Tonight, I told her "Let me type up some Evergrey lyrics for you" and I just happened to be listening to...