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  1. hellraiser85

    First time I record guitars with sm57+md421

    Hi! I recently bought a MD421 and tried blending it with the sm57. I tried something different to the usual blend of the two signals, I used the MD421 for the bass and midrange, and sm57 for highs. For the sm57, I put a HPF at 1,4 Khz and for md421 a LPF at the same 1,4 Khz. So I use the...
  2. hellraiser85

    New song/video in my studio (Ltd Grynch, 5150, API A2D...)

    I recorded a new song from my band Hatecode and a friend helped me making a great video, hope you like! for anyone interested, the equipment used was: guitars: ltd grynch (baritone guitar) --> maxon od808 --> 5150 --> mesa 4x12 --> 2 sm57 --> api a2d bass: Warwick corvette proline --> sansamp...
  3. hellraiser85

    Warwick Corvette $$ vs. Corvette Std. Active

    Hello mates, I want to buy a 5 string bass that sounds great for metal, I'm thinking of a warwick corvette std. active, warwick corvette $ $, maybe a fender american deluxe jazz bass or Sandberg California TM. My first choice is the Warwick Corvette $ $ (second hand, too expensive brand new...
  4. hellraiser85

    HATECODE - New song from our next album!

    Hi! After a long time without posting new material from my band Hatecode, this song is a preview of our next album, I did the recording mixing and mastering, so here I hope you tell me what you think about the sound and if you have any advice because I am still mixing the rest of the songs. Hope...
  5. hellraiser85

    SansAmp metal bass tone (clip inside)

    Hi everyone, I bought a SansAmp and I think it sounds great, I use it with the Maxon in front used as a booster like with a guitar amp for extra gain. Please, I need you to give me your opinions about this bass sound, I think it sounds great! Chain was: Ibanez SR505 - Maxon OD808 - SansAmp -...
  6. hellraiser85

    The Revenge Of The Hannya, FREE EP FOR YOU!

    Hi! This is my new band, we play death metal with a lot of melodic vocals and guitar lines. We've recorded an EP with 5 songs and is available for free download, hope you like it! I leave here two songs for you to give a quick listen: XbD4jiBSInU&feature=relmfu Here's the link to...
  7. hellraiser85

    Bridge pickup for a PRS Singlecut?? (sounds muddy with a PRS Tremonti pickup)

    Hi, I've a 2001 PRS Singlecut with a PRS Tremonti pickup in bridge position. I'm generally happy with the sound but it sounds a little muddy (with drop B tunning). I'm considering changing the pickups with ones that has a tighter sound. I'm thinking of something like EMG 81 or 85, or maybe some...
  8. hellraiser85

    Ampeg SVT Classic/ Mesa Road King eq. settings

    Hi, I will play with my band this Friday in a very important festival here in my country and we will play with the gear that the festival will put. This gear is: guitar: Mesa boogie Road King head + 2 mesa 4x12 cabs. bass: Ampeg SVT Classic head + Ampeg 8x10 cab. I need some help to eq...
  9. hellraiser85

    HATECODE: Download for free our first EP!

    Hi! We've uploaded our first EP called "As I See" with the 7 songs that we've in our Myspace. Here's the link: I wish you like it! Iván.
  10. hellraiser85

    Rate my tone/mix (LTD Grynch; 5150; maxon OD808; new snare samples)

    HI! I posted a new sample using a LTD "Grynch" baritone guitar. This guitar sounds amazing and tight as hell, even when strings are very used (like when I recorded this demo). Also I tested new snare samples ("unveliebable snare" from a pack posted in this forum a few weeks ago). I think that...
  11. hellraiser85

    Check the last song from my band Hatecode (lots of industrial synths)

    Hi! We have a new song called Electra in our Myspace. This is our most industrial song with lots of synths. Also, guitars and vocal have a sound nearer to the math metal sounds. I hope that you like and give your opinions and questions about this song. Thanks!
  12. hellraiser85

    "See As I See": new song with my band HATECODE (5150, ENGL 4X12 impulses)

    Hi! I uploaded a new song from my band Hatecode. Please give me your opinions about the song, sound, vocals... Thanks!
  13. hellraiser85

    Doubt about EH 12ax7 tubes

    Hi! I bougth 5 Electro Harmonix 12ax7 preamp tubes to install in my 5150. 3 tubes has written this numbers on it: 08 09. And the other two has written: 07 07. What does mean these numbers? Maybe the "07 07" tubes are balanced tubes (to put in the phase inverter position)?? Thanks!
  14. hellraiser85

    Rate my band's new song: 5150, impulses, lot of synths (Soilwork, Scar Symmetry...)

    Hi! My band has uploaded a new song in our Myspace, it's called "Guilty Stench". Please rate the song and sound and fell free to ask me all you want about the sound and production. Thanks! :rock:
  15. hellraiser85

    Foam rubber under the strings in headstock.

    I've seen a few guitars with a piece of foam rubber or something similar under the strings in the headstock. I assume that this is to eliminate some troublesome vibrations of the strings, but is it really necessary and useful?
  16. hellraiser85

    ENGL pro + Mesa OS + 5150 demo

    Hi! I did a test with two different impulses, I recorded 2 guitars, but I doubled the recorded tracks using "copy and paste" and I added different impulses to the copied guitars, so I have 4 guitars with this configuration: Guitar 1 L100 – INCH OFF EDGE -1 Guitar 2 (same track that Guitar...
  17. hellraiser85

    best uberschall setting (sounds like Rammstein; Mercenary)

    Hi! I will try a Bogner Uberschall in a few days and I would know how's the best setting to get the most tight and powerful sound with this amp (sound like Rammstein's Reise Reise or Mercenary's The hour That Remains). Thanks!
  18. hellraiser85

    New demo (5150 + OD808 + impulses + new drums)

    Hi! I recorded this demo to test a new kind of drum sound. It is a more organic and realistic sound in my opinion. I use this samples: Snare: Joey Jordison snare samples. kick: Andy Sneap's samples. Guitar and bass are from my 5150 preamp direct to my EMU 1616m adn using impulses...
  19. hellraiser85

    New song with my band "Hatecode" (please comment and rate)

    We've a new song called "The Future's Past". It has more contrast between melodic and guttural parts. It was recorded at home using my 5150 with impulses, programmed drums (bass was recorded with mi 5150 and ampeg 8x10 impulses). Please listen to the song and give me your opinion...
  20. hellraiser85

    best adjustment for autotune??

    Hi! I would like to know what is the best adjustment to corret this small mistakes in vocals using autotune in automatic mode. I Know that I must adjust key and scale, but I don't know what is the best setting for "retune" and "tracking" controls for the best results. Thanks!