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  1. Slasher

    New Vid!!

    New Vid of Laura playin bass!! waiting for it to complete downloading ehehe :hotjump:
  2. Slasher

    area 54 on BBC 1 :D

    Just sittin at my computer catchin up wiht old dad shouts me in..there on BBC1 Lakis and Laura talking bout how they would react if some1 smashed their gear up on stage or summit :OMG: I was like wtf?!?!?!?! any1 see it??
  3. Slasher

    Big Trev Mac

    What's all that about?? :D New tracks available to us soon?!?! sweeet :hotjump: :rock:
  4. Slasher

    New Interview

    Cool :D good to see them getting cover abroad too! Spesh Holland I can imagine those nutts to love 54 :D and the new material is sounding REALLY good :rock: Can't wait for it :hotjump: and the tour :hotjump: :Spin:
  5. Slasher

    Todays music

    what the fuck is up with it? What's with all this EMO shite?? Every band sounds the same, all you hear is 2 words being screamed and then 4 being sung and 2 screamed followed by 4 sung its the same shit everywhere you go. I've just been to my local "rock" bar and paid £4 to listen to stuff...
  6. Slasher

    New Game (please participate)

    Okay here are the rules...I'll name a band and then you guys have to find a link to that band with another band. for example, I'll name Area 54...5+4=9 ..... Blink someone could then state Blink which some one else then links another band to Blink 182 and so on and...
  7. Slasher

    Hartlepool gig

    GET IN :D 54 on my door step!! who's going??? I can't wait :) shame they're not the headline band but it's still a chance to see them for the the first time :D
  8. Slasher

    Lakis speech

    :tickled::hotjump: GET INNNNNN :hotjump: Biscuit tin drums:tickled:...who you think that is??? Metallica/Lars?? :tickled: very brave!! They'll probs sue your ass if it's them it is aimed at! lol 54 playing my doorstep!!! METAL UP YOUR ARSE!!!!:hotjump:
  9. Slasher

    Classic Rock Review

    Blatantly influenced by Iron Maiden, Iron Miaden, and er, Iron Maiden, Area 54's 2000 debut "NVS" was surprisingly well-recieved given their abre faced raiding of the Iron's back catalogue. But, perplexingly numerous critics have continued to heap an inordinate amount of praise on Area 54 and...
  10. Slasher

    Its Here!!!!!

    PARTY HARD!!!!!!! :tickled: c'mon c'mon...opinions opinions!?!??! the baby photo's rock!!! :tickled: so does the music :tickled: im so happy :tickled: yet sad because...the HMV I went to only had one copy and there was my mate Danny who wanted a copy as well :erk: but he's such a cool...
  11. Slasher

    Any 54 Guitar Tabs?

    Hey - Does anyone know any tabs for 54 songs? In particular 'Time Takes No Pain'? But any would be appreciated :) And if there is anyone who wants tabs for 54 I know bits and pieces of quite a few songs so just get in touch. Any guitar tabs or piano tabs by these Gods would be really great...
  12. Slasher

    NE1 heard BoE yet?

    has anyone else heard Bekconing of the End yet?? It f*cking rocks man. Some cool stuff on it. Fav track: This Is The End Of Everything. It has everything; acoustics, electrics, piano...the works! N E more fan opinions???