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  1. Vega Skater

    Opeth as Study Music

    Does anybody listen to Opeth when they're studying? I realised MAYH is the most suitable for me, particularly on vibrant days when I need some rain and darkness to keep me away from the sunshine. After MAYH, I'd have to go with Orchid.
  2. Vega Skater

    Weakness is the perfect opener for Deliverance

    I was driving today and listening to an MP3 with all of Opeth's discography, and after Weakness, the drum roll blasted through for Wreath and it was damn amazing. It fits so damn well, and even makes me wonder if the band initially intended to have a link between the two, as Wreath's intro is...
  3. Vega Skater

    Wearing Opeth

    Hey all, Just wanted to move away from the vibe of song threads. I was wondering how many of you have custom Opeth wear? This could range from sew-on patches to writing Opeth on a white shirt with black texta. My dad bought me an Opeth sew-on patch randomly from a record store a while back...
  4. Vega Skater

    Love/Hate relationship with The Drapery Falls

    Just wanted to share my experiences and hear others' thoughts. So like many, The Drapery Falls really helped me get into Opeth. The acoustic sections, 'into ahhh...' surprise chorus, transition back to mellow.. wow absolutely out of this world. But as time went on I found Opeth's other material...
  5. Vega Skater

    Best Opeth Live Performance

    What's everyone's favourite Live performance captured (without posting links)? I cannot wait to see BWP live on Roundhouse, but as for now, I'd have to say When on youtube where the ending is cut out. Such a dark atmosphere :notworthy
  6. Vega Skater

    Analysing Opeth Songs

    I just listened to Deliverance (song) separately from the album and it reminded me of a time when I didn't own the album but knew the song and thought it was pretty damn spectacular. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that over time I've learnt how to play certain songs and started to...
  7. Vega Skater

    Opeth Album Titles

    Hey guys, I'm sure this has probably been covered eons ago but I was thinking today about Opeth titles from Orchid and Watershed trying to decipher the inspiration behind them. Seems to me.. Orchid - Just something completely non-metal to make an impact and symbolise the gentle side of...