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  1. barricade

    NGD: Friedman be100

    So I bought this swaggin' beauty yesterday... Friedman be100 (top shelve). I thought i would be using it only for rock and soft stuff... well, I'm not that sure anymore. :grin: _Yl2xaPKeQY&feature Actualy the best amp I ever played... Hit me up if you want reamps etc...
  2. barricade


    Hey guys... i want your opinion on this mix. I always have problems with my low end or making my mixes/mastering too muddy/murky ... How does it yound on your speakers? Tnx for listening...
  3. barricade

    Trigger in Pro Tools...

    Sry guys if this topic was mentioned before (i couldn't find it) or its simply just to stupid to ask *blush*... I was wondering how are you using trigger on mono tracks in PT... are you using it in stereo mode or in mono (let's say for close mic'd snare). It was logical to me to use it in...
  4. barricade

    HC/Metal thingy...

    What do you guys think about this mix. I think it's OK but i need some fresh ears opinions! Is it too dark? Does it have enough lowend? Drums are all natural except the kick is 50% blended with slate and lasse kicks! The snare is 50% also...with Dan and 12a snare. Toms are not replaced...
  5. barricade

    Deathcore mix (^^)

    I think it sounds ok... but i need your input on this mix... so plz, any tips&tricks?
  6. barricade

    Video release from a band I recorded...

    Video release from a band I recorded... (Trash Candy) I thought some of you guys might like them 'coz they are kinda Paramore-ish! :) Enjoy!
  7. barricade

    Pop/rock band... need some opinions

    Hey guys! I just want some opinions on the mix/master i did. I'm sending it off this week ... so help me out a little ;) tnx!
  8. barricade

    New TBDM!

  9. barricade

    Dimmu Borgir-ish band I recorded (video)

    Here is a video from a black metal band i recorded. Condemnatio Cristi... The guy on the drums is Rob Kovacic...ex-drummer of Belphegor. There were nearly no edits to the drums... a little here and there... i didnt wanted a more live groove to the drums! Other guys are around 16 years...
  10. barricade

    Shogun VS Bones

    Ok guys...who's gonna win? I'm a Shogun fan...but Bones is just so fucking strong :worship:
  11. barricade

    OldSql-HC in this bi0tch! i recorded a couple of friends this past few weeks and i'm very happy with the outcome! I kinda had the new Emmure album for the reference...but it doesn't sound nothing like that actualy... The guitars were a mixture of Marshal DSL 50w and 5150mk1... and the guitar was a strange old...
  12. barricade

    FUCKIN'friendly radio southern rock

    ...i'm doing only rock the last month, so sorry metalheads... but it's something different, no sampled drums and no satan! I would like some comments on this one! :goggly:
  13. barricade

    Southern Rock/Country (real drums, real boobs)

    Hey guys! NO THIS IS NOT METAL :loco: This is a rock band that wanted to do a special edition country/southern rock vibe they were also kindof new to this stuff... There is no sampling...everything recorded! Here is the link...
  14. barricade

    Finally figured out how mesa works...

    ...yeah...I just think it's damn hard to dail in the real sound for mesa if you were used to work with a 5150. What do you think it cool? The guitars are LP no HP ... only Ozone on the master buss for a...
  15. barricade

    Where do you press your bands shirts?

    Hey guys... i rly need a good shirt pressing (or how is it called) company :) If you now any good ones from EU and if you could give me the links to their pages! We want to press something like this size and colour: cheers Matt
  16. barricade

    Swedish metal FTW! ... :D

    ... fuckin lol
  17. barricade

    Buying a high-end pre! Need your input!

    So i'm buying a 2ch high end mic pre. I want it to be my goto pre for everything and i want a bit of characher because i have only the asp008 which are very clean. I'm willing to spend around 2500€ and was thinking about these: BAE 1073 MP Neve 1073 Great River ME 2NV Chandler TG2 So...
  18. barricade

    Death Met00lz mix

    A band asked me to remix their song because they were not very happy with the mix the guy did who recorded everything. So i got already recorded guitars... all tracks were already compressed (squashed) so i didn't make any compression on vocals, only some eq and other stuff... I used SSD2.0...
  19. barricade

    FU! Always check your headphones guys...

    Ok... fuck ... im totally all in goosebumps now. I was listening to some music and something was tickling my left ear...and it was THIS.... You know the myth.... they can get inside your ear and cut your eardrum... but i found out that they are to weak to do that :D ... fucking sick...
  20. barricade

    TBDM style band i recorded! Rate pleasz^^

    After a while i finally got to record a decent metal band! Love their it was fun to record! I used all Steven Slate samples on the drums... the drums were recorded real so i kept the OHs...but there was a shit load of editing to do! Guitars were reamped through my Roadster and 5150...