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    Mayones Seymour Duncan Solo Contest

    Is anyone entering a solo into this contest? That guitar looks pretty sweet. If anyone has entered, or is planning on submitting a video, share your video in here! It would be a cool collection of different types of solos over the same backing track. I'll start :kickass:

    New album is finished!

    Hey guys, My bands new album is finally finished, and I thought I would just throw the link out there just in case anyone was interested. Searching For Reason is an instrumental band with influences of Opeth, Mastodon, Santana and so on. The album is available for free streaming and for...

    First time mixing real drums

    Hey guys, this was my first time mixing real drums, so I need some feedback on this mix. I also think the guitars are sounding kind of thin and are lacking some boldness. Any type of feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!! Edit: New Version...

    Recording guitars with Effects

    Hey everyone, This weekend am going to be recording my band's guitar tracks, and the other guitar player is pretty insistent on recording with his effects on. His chorus pedal is part of his overall sound and is on at all times. I on the other hand, don't use a chorus pedal, and only use...

    Diezel and 5150 mix!!

    Hey guys, I recently got back some reamps that Virgil did for me, and they are massive sounding! Here is a mix that I came up with. I'm still having trouble making the guitars just in your face sounding. I'm striving for a violent sounding guitar mix. Is there something that I am missing? Is the...

    Melodic Death Metal Mix

    Hi Guys, Here is a song that we just finished tracking for a few days ago. What do you guys think of the mix? Please, any critiques are helpful to us. Thanks!! :rock:

    Heavy Brutality!!

    Hey guys, I need your help on checking this mix of mine. I posted this song a while back and got some help from your guys and applied all of your advice. But we recently reamped the guitars and pretty much remixed the whole song. So far, everyone is happy with the mix, but I wanted some more...

    God Dammit!!!!

    Women are fucking retarded!!!!!!!!!! ......... sorry, but that is all...

    Hypatia Studio Updates

    Hey guys, This is the band I'm doing a demo for right now. We've had a pretty good time so far. Make sure you watch it through, there is a surprise at the end. Hope you enjoy it!
  10. DEFIED

    Need help with this cluttered mix!

    Hey guys, I'm recording a band for the first time and I'm needing some help with this mix. My monitors really suck so I don't think they're helping very much with this either. I'm having trouble separating the guitars and bass, they seem to be stepping on each others toes and leaving a muddy...
  11. DEFIED

    Different Track Levels

    Hey guys, I did something retarded and tracked some guitar levels hotter than others in the same song. A band I'm recording came in for a few different sessions on the same song and I turned the DI channels input higher this last time. So some of my DI tracks are hotter than the others...
  12. DEFIED

    BYOC Tube Screamer Clones

    Hey Guys, I know someone brought it up a little while back, but I was wondering what you guys thought of the OD-1 and OD-2 from Build Your Own Clone. How does it compare to the available Tube Screamers on the market? I'm having a tough time choosing which Tube Screamer to buy. Im pretty much...
  13. DEFIED

    New Guitar Tone Testing

    Hey guys, After fucking around with the same song for a while Im finally able to do another one. This time with the guitars I was able to mic the cab with two SM57's, one on and one off axis. Let me know what you guys think of the tones and the mix. Thanks again for all the help. Tear it...
  14. DEFIED

    Amp head on top of cab?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if any of you have noticed a difference in recorded tones, if you have the amp head on top of the cab being recorded, than if the head was on a separate surface? Just something I was thinking about, maybe some of you have experience with this? Thanks for your help!
  15. DEFIED

    First Mic'd cab attempt, please help!

    Hey guys, This is my first attempt at micing a cab and I am trying to get the massively fat 5150 tones that you guys get. Can you please help me and give some tips, etc. on how to get a better tone? It is quad tracked with just a HP and LP filter on each. I know the drums sound like shit right...
  16. DEFIED

    Microphone pop filter...

    What kind of pop filter do most of you guys use for metal vocals? I see the Stedman ones are highly rated, but was wondering if it is really worth the $50? Or should I just go cheapy pop filter?
  17. DEFIED

    Krank with v30's?

    I have a Krank Krankenstein cab, and I was thinking about putting some v30's into it. Has anyone ever heard this combo, or even better, does anyone have a recording with it?
  18. DEFIED

    New Album Review in Revolver..

    You guys got 4 stars, congrats!!
  19. DEFIED

    Trade shows?

    Anyone here wanna do some show trades with my band? We are looking to get out of Arizona and go somewhere else, preferably on the western side of the US. Check us out if you are interested. -Morris
  20. DEFIED

    Trade shows?

    Anyone here wanna do some show trades with my band? We are looking to get out of Arizona and go somewhere else, preferably on the western side of the US. Check us out if you are interested. -Morris