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  1. kickinwing65

    Sample Song off my band's EP coming out this Friday!

    Have posted some clips of my band before, this is one of the final tracks on the album. Lemme know what you guys think!
  2. kickinwing65

    Twitter box's on Band Myspace's

    Anybody know where to get the code for those? used a lot on Sons of Nero layouts and pretty much every band layout. I'm guessing also the positioning is done painstakingly in css as well.
  3. kickinwing65

    Building a new studio in basement

    I'm getting a house soon and having a basement installed. I'm thinking of the styrofill stuff that has essentially studs built in so you can drywall it. the basement will be 24'x56'. I want to use one half of the basement and it will be 10' deep. Not sure where to start on designs and what...
  4. kickinwing65

    best way to use a ts9 with an ns-2 and a 5150

    I've tried a few ways, right now i have the guitar > TS9 > NS-2 input > output to 5150 feeds back mroe than i'd like Tried the other way around and fed back like crazy.. :OMG:
  5. kickinwing65

    Decisions, decisions..

    Well, I have come to a fork in the road and don't have many people to ask. I am currently in a band which might have a good chance at having something happen for us. We are co-headlining a huge festival before Mastadon in MI and possibly might go on tour opening up for them this fall. On the...
  6. kickinwing65

    reverse breath thingy

    Listening to some FTFD and wondering how you achieve the reverse air thing before a screaming line. Example For the Fallen Dreams - Nightmares @ 2:40 Any help would be appreciated.
  7. kickinwing65

    Ddrum acoustic pro triggers question

  8. kickinwing65

    Ddrum acoustic pro triggers question

    Why does it seem that every time I have a band come at least one of these breaks. I had about 4 of those replacement things for it and used them all up. now they raised the price on them... is there a cheaper fix from like radio shack or something. I want to stab those greedy bastards
  9. kickinwing65


    THE GOVERNMENT IS WATCHING YOU Joey merely had TACT created to keep you distract from his real focus. developing nuclear weapons only with the use of itunes and a copy of 'someday came suddenly' se!!!!! dont you get it someday came suddenly.. its bombs DUDE he wants to threaten the...
  10. kickinwing65

    got bored

    I don't know what to expect after people listen to this.. its not from the actual song I wanted to recreate it and see if i could match it
  11. kickinwing65

    Watch and make fun of us tracking our album

    Barter in Blood BASS TIME
  12. kickinwing65

    Please check out my mix :D

    Hey everybody, I just finished mixing one of my band's songs down and figuring how to edit the drums using the slip method, which is insanely easy. Let me know what you think about the mix, and I am planning on reamping the guitars through someone on here...
  13. kickinwing65

    Mix of emo/pop/rock as they call it

    We recorded a band a while back called This Twilight City and most of these songs ended up not being used, so for practice I decided to try and remix them. Tell me what you think please?
  14. kickinwing65

    Working on an album with my band sample

    Yeah, its not mixed or anything and the drums have yet to be recorded.. I'm just bored and wanted people to hear it. I play guitar. Hope everybody's having a better time than me :kickass:
  15. kickinwing65

    5150 lost its balls

    I've had a 5150 for almost a year now, Re tubed it with JJ's and it sounded amazing. After spending a month in the cold garage, then bringing up to the studio after about an hour warm up then trying it out it now sounds like it has lost a lot of its balls. Where I would normally have the lead...
  16. kickinwing65

    I Fail

    so I'm bummin' because my best friend hooked up with the chick I really like, wheres my bowl :Puke:
  17. kickinwing65

    My new computer is PISSING ME OFF!!

    So I built a new pc for xmas. First thing I noticed, the motherboard has two floppy style power connectors located right under the video card slots, the manual briefly mentions them and says for use with two video cards. Didn't bother hooking them up since my psu only has 1 floppy...
  18. kickinwing65

    Guess the Amplifier! Bet you won't even come close

    Just got done tracking through this mystery amp... i will reveal the answer shortly after a few replies with guesses... If you don't believe my setup Try yourself with the same setup which I will describe in full detail..
  19. kickinwing65

    Help making a mix sound fuller

    I have a quick mix from my band's new song. Its not the most recent recording, there are parts missing and I didn't quantize the drums yet. I'm trying to work on my mixing skills a bit, any advice to make it sound more full, if you know what I mean. It just seems really flat...
  20. kickinwing65

    Valveking and Power Tubes

    I recently picked up a ValveKing head for 150 bucks without the power tubes, I have two pairs of sovtek 5881WXT tubes from an older amp and I was wondering if I could pop these in to test the amp out. The amp they came out of took 6l6's and seemed to work fine with the 5881's in them. I need...