Search results

  1. Morbides

    Film recommendation

    New Kids Turbo. Seen this? Dumbass comedy yet with an interesting plot base: a group of losers suddenly decide to not pay for anything anymore. Chaos ensues. Subtitles required. :loco:
  2. Morbides

    Advice for your 25 year old self?

    I'll be 25 in a bit, which is sort of like hitting a cap in my mind...I know all the 'age is only a number' bit, and to some extent I agree (used to fully agree when I was younger). Yet, it leaves me with a very alarmed feeling, and possibly a bit of angst. Most of the people around me seem to...
  3. Morbides

    La piel que habito

    It was pretty great.
  4. Morbides

  5. Morbides

    Moving out

    ^ to the Czech Republic(Brno) in a week's time with work. Expat status here I come! Now this is a first for me and I honestly don't know what to expect, in spite of having read/talked to people about life there. Wish me luck! I know there are a bunch of you over here who have moved to foreign...
  6. Morbides

    Happy Birthday Malergion!

    Here's to you, Glenn! He's been away for a while..but he'll be back. They always come back.
  7. Morbides

    A real live dead one

  8. Morbides

    If you could refrain from eating any one type of food for the rest of your life...

    What would it be? My pick: :Spam:
  9. Morbides

    What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

    You know, that one movie (or more) which left you wanting those two hours of your life back. Quite a few come to mind, but right now I'll stick to : -Batman and Robin(1997)- not funny, Joel Schumacher. -Catwoman (2004) - ok, she was hot. But seriously? -In the Name of the King: A...
  10. Morbides


  11. Morbides

    Awesome dulcimer playing thread

    Great hammered dulcimer piece:
  12. Morbides

    New food thread!

    Made ya look!
  13. Morbides

  14. Morbides

    nothing like it

    [11:28] <@Malergion> You hate your imaginary IRC friends. [11:28] * @Shpongled nods [11:28] <@Shpongled> yeah, ya know [11:28] <@Shpongled> i think you're right [11:28] <@Shpongled> i relaly don't give a fuck about any of you [11:29] <@Shpongled> when it all boils down, i know you all suck...
  15. Morbides

    'where the sun don't shine' thread

    That does it. We might as well have one of these. Feel free to..uh..contribute? Disclaimer: I do not own any of these pictures. (oh wait, it does shine)
  16. Morbides

    Nevermore North American Headlining Tour 2010 Lucky sonz o'...
  17. Morbides

    Does Chris Broderick come here?

    Hi guys i was wondering if Chris Broderick is a user of this forum, because i have seen the Nevermore section and the real Warrel Dane is answering questions about himself etc
  18. Morbides

    The SHRED LIKE LOOMIS contest

    Well now.
  19. Morbides

    Jim Sheppard

    Happy Birthday to Jim!
  20. Morbides

    My twin video-opinions?

    Hey guys, we all know one of Katatonia's vids , namely My twin, what'd ya think? I found it a bit average,though the theme fitted the song.But the lyrics are much better than that.:goggly: