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  1. Cryo114

    Bloodborne Theme Cover advice/feedback wanted

    I've not been recording for a few years due to work and illness. And this is my somewhat return. I've already identified some issues. Some of the high leads are a bit shrill etc But I was interested in what you guys thought
  2. Cryo114

    90's Prodigy-esque Lamb of God Remix I would have liked the bass louder but what the hell, I think it kinda works. Anyway, thought I'd share. What do you think?
  3. Cryo114

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Metal Cover

    Hobbyist here, so not the best sound ever. But I thought some might appreciate it. Hope you enjoy it!
  4. Cryo114

    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Rock/Metal cover

    What would you have done differently? Thanks in advance for any feedback! :rock:
  5. Cryo114

    How do you guys reset your ears/perspective when you're lost on a mix?

    Just a hobbyist here, I'm working on something right now where, for a little while, it'll be productive. But it's getting to the point often where I end up doing something and I'll scratch my head and think "Not sure if that makes it sound better or worse..." Like, I can hear there's...
  6. Cryo114

    Compressorhead: Most metal band ever?

    *Starts saving up for a drummer*
  7. Cryo114

    Wtf happened to the "meditation" thread?

    Believe it or not, here it is. The question is, why did it get moved & the name get changed? An odd as fuck bug?
  8. Cryo114

    All I need is a "decent" or "not" with this guitar tone.

    No bass (as with many things) yet. Yay or nah? Hit me!
  9. Cryo114

    If I do this will it fuck up my guitars?

    Looking to get one of these to make more space. I'm thinking of putting it up close to/in front of a radiator, since that's the only real space free. My concern is that heat might mess with...
  10. Cryo114

    Help me out? My interface is fucked

    Every time I record now the volume fluctuates on my recordings and sometimes when I move the unit (line6 UX2) the playback volume will go up and down and clip like fuck. Add to that occasional screeching glitches and me thinks I need a new one. If you could recommend me an interface for £300...
  11. Cryo114

    Aiming for an old Fear Factory tone, getting there? Quad tracked, fx out of my Randall RD50 out into impulses. It's a bit rough and played on a standard tuned six string so it's off a little, but what do you think? Cheers!
  12. Cryo114

    Incase anybodies interested: Randall RD50C Demo

    Thoughts I'd share since there aren't many decent demos of this amp about. :kickass: Lemme know what you think also, still very amateur at this lark. Cheers!
  13. Cryo114

    Anybody tried the Randall RD50 combo? I gave it a go with the idea that I might trade my jcm900 half stack for it. I thought the low gain sounds were impressive and I liked the high gain stuff it could do but I'm really quite bad at judging high gain tones. The eq seems...
  14. Cryo114

    Ministry vocal sound

    I speak specifically about the Psalm 69 album and New World Order: Vocals at 1:06 Just out of interest mind you. Any insight?
  15. Cryo114

    Beavis and Butthead's favourite riffs and vocals

    Thought there might be some who remember Beavis and Butthead with fondness. It's worth watching alone for they do to Tchaikovsky at the end. Also for those who missed it, Beavis and Butthead are back..
  16. Cryo114

    What aspects of production do you consider important in terms of Saleability?

    Think about the question before reading the rest of my post. I ask this because while it's obvious that while the tonality of each instrument is/can be a major factor in the personality of a record, I would still buy a record with a song I liked if it had a few obvious mistakes here and there...
  17. Cryo114

    For those that missed Shooting Stars

    Shooting Stars is a game show for those unfamiliar: I <3 Shooting Stars.
  18. Cryo114

    Stairway to Heaven Metal Cover

    Just something I thought you guys might get a kick out of. The sound isn't anything to write home about compared to a lot of the stuff on here, but it serves well enough I think. Lemme know what you think! :kickass:
  19. Cryo114

    Feeler: Orange Tiny Terror Head with FX loop and Upgraded British OT

    Tiny Terror head with FX loop and British Output transformer. The FX loop runs via one of the 8 ohms sockets so it has one 8 ohm and one 16 ohm plug each. Plus the whole board was resoldered by hand. Pristine condition otherwise. Includes Orange TT carry bag. £300?
  20. Cryo114

    How the hell is this sound made? It doesn't happen often that I think "Wtf is that?" but I just heard this and it's kinda stumped me. It sounds almost choral but it has a guitar like character to it too. Is it just a weird synth distorted, a mixture or...