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  1. weetbix

    Matt filling in...

    I was just reading some reviews of Wacken 2003 - and I came across a review that mentions briefly Twisted Tower Dire ... and a couple of pix of Matt filling in on guitar. Shame they got his name wrong :)
  2. weetbix

    Yngwie The thread starts out about an article posted by Lizzy Borden about recent troubles supporting Yngwie. It dissolves into a couple of Australian bands getting the same thing a few years ago. Just curious as to whether or not the...
  3. weetbix

    80's videos

    2 computer monitors on my desk at work leaves enough space to have some 80s music videos playing in the corner of one. What a flashback - that sure don't make videos like these nowadays! The hair! The spandex! The posing! Some I've watched so far today include: Dokken - Dream...
  4. weetbix

    Yet another great guitarists list

    This months issue of Guitar World (with Dimebag from Pantera/Damageplan on the cover) has yet another list in it. This time it is the "100 Greatest Metal Guitarists of All Time". For your discussion pleasure: 1 : Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath) 2 : Kirk Hammett & James Hetfield (Metallica) 3 ...
  5. weetbix


    Ok - I finally got my hands on a copy of Trinity ... first in Australia probably. The production walks all over the earlier albums, and some great songs on it :rock: And I also finally get to hear Nick - 1 listen so far, and it sounds like you guys made a good choice there :grin:
  6. weetbix

    An old question for Mr Ripper (or anyone who knows the answer really)

    This has been in at least 1 thread I can remember here before, but I'll be damned if I can find that thread ... or remember the answer :Smug: It's about the ad on tv for reflex printer paper. There's the receptionist you should never trust called Zena .... and she's listening to something...
  7. weetbix

    Whats's a good introduction to the band?

    Just curious really. I had never heard Armored Saint before - and one day I was on a "lets buy a couple of cds by bands I have never heard before" trip. Came across the 2 disc version of "Nod To The Old School" and figured - what the hell. I was really liking what I heard through the...
  8. weetbix

    They never learn.....

    Who saw "Today Tonight" last night on channel 7? I caught some of it before heading out for dinner. Some girl killed herself and her parents were blaming the lyrics from songs :( Specifically they blamed Blink 182. This is the kinda thing...
  9. weetbix

    Twisted Sister

    Just for the Twisted Sister fans out there:
  10. weetbix

    Cold Chisel

    Well, Cold Chisel are playing 2 shows in the round at the Horden at the beginning of June. I got my ticket for ringside right here :)
  11. weetbix

    Saturday Night Sounds like I ended up at the better gig of the night on Saturday - Bar Broadway (Jerk, Kyser, Daysend, 8 Foot Sativa) instead of the SCG :)
  12. weetbix

    Circle II Circle

    From the Wacken website ...... about a new band added to the bill - Circle II Circle. -- Let's start from the last show Zak Stevens did with Savatage, the PopKomm Festival in Cologne, Germany on August 20, 1999. This was a show that later became famous for it's brilliance and magnificence...
  13. weetbix

    Black T-Shirts

    Before I forget about UM for the rest of the day and get back to the mountain of work I have to do - I'd just like to share this thought: Black T-Shirts are amazingly useful! Whenever I am wearing one I do not get any of the following: * hassled by anyone for money * hassled for...
  14. weetbix

    Wacken 2003

    Ok - who is going to Wacken this year? I am going to be in England/Scotland in the middle of August anyway ..... so when some random person in the line at Stanmore Macca's reminded me when Wacken was I had no choice but to tack a visit to Germany onto the begining of my trip :spin: :grin...
  15. weetbix

    That 70s Show

    Hmmm ..... season 5 of That 70s Show has had a handful of episodes air in America already. They are also on my computer here at work as well - but that is a different story courtesy of massive amounts of bandwidth while at work :) Anyway - so far all of the episodes of this series are...
  16. weetbix

    Steve Vai in Crossroads

    So I am sitting here at work doing something quite unusual really - work. King Diamonds "House Of God" cd finishes so I throw on Steve Vai's "The Elusive Light & Sound". Head-Cuttin' Dual from the movie crossroads come on ..... and I just clicked as to how similar the intro is to the song...
  17. weetbix

    Blaze singing Paul-era stuff

    I will pretty much guarantee that somebody here heard Blaze sing Paul-era Maiden songs. How did he pull it off? Do you have the bootleg and can I grab a copy? :)
  18. weetbix

    Steve Irwin - Crocodile Hunter

    Does this guy have balls the size of houses, or is he simply stupid? Personally I go for the second :)
  19. weetbix

    Def Leppard DVD

    Ok 2 things have been bugging me ever since I bought the DVD with Historia and "In the Round" on it... 1) The sound. What is with only having 2 channel audio? Where is the crystal clear 5.1 dts sound ala Rock In Rio? 2) The Audio syncing for "In The Round..." Watching this I noticed...
  20. weetbix

    Cool Song Titles?

    Must be an after lunch thing ... dunno. But listening to Black Label Society's album "1919 * Eternal" the song "Lords Of Destruction" came on. ...and it struck me what a cool song title that was :)