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  1. Holocaust on the Moon

    Porcupine Tree 2009 Tour!!! I am so going to the Philly date. This year is awesome!
  2. Holocaust on the Moon

    Does anyone here host a radio show?

    I co-host a radio show on my campus's radio station from 6-8 EST called "Radio Bloody Radio". My partner runs the first hour with indie/hiphop.../anything else he feels like, but the last hour is when I play metal and prog. I try to play at least some Swanö related material every week. Today it...
  3. Holocaust on the Moon

    New interview with Mendez
  4. Holocaust on the Moon

    New Kreator song

    Warcurse Sounds pretty good to me.
  5. Holocaust on the Moon

    The Moody Blues

    I want to get into this band, but I don't know where to start. Can someone recommend me some of their best albums?
  6. Holocaust on the Moon

    New DragonForce song

    Heroes of Our Time Despite it's generic name, I like it. *runs before everyone throws rocks at me*
  7. Holocaust on the Moon

    Do The End Records and Mellow Records still carry the Unicorn albums?

    Because unless I fail at the internets (which I'm hoping) I couldn't find the Emotional Wasteland album at either websites.
  8. Holocaust on the Moon


    Does anyone have any samples from the band Eruption that Mikael was in before Opeth? I've looked around, but I can't seem to find anything.
  9. Holocaust on the Moon

    Mike and Mike video! I love how they can hardly remember the first time they met, haha.
  10. Holocaust on the Moon

    Will there be new Sörskogen material?

    I've been reading in different interviews that Mike and Dan both have interest in continuing Sörskogen, and Mike has some material for it, but that is about it. Are there any concrete plans for a Sörskogen album, or even an EP?