Search results

  1. C

    Learning to growl/scream?

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    New Misery Signals song wtf happened to them... sounds like a Born of Osiris song that kick :Puke:
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    Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

    amazing. kurt ballou brings it with his production of course
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    Some awesome info on Steve Evetts/DEP

    One of my favorite producers. It's kind of hard to find stuff about him or his techniques but here is some cool info I found mostly about recording the last Dillinger album but also some of the common things he does/uses:
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    How did you get business starting out

    I'm just starting out offering mixing & mastering services & it's really hard to get clients with no word of mouth or established name. I've been posting on forums, craigslist offering FREE services but still no bite. Because I never go to shows I'm not connected to the local scene which is a...
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    Getting work starting out..

    I'm just starting out offering mixing & mastering services & it's really hard to get clients with no word of mouth or established name. I've been posting on forums, craigslist offering FREE services but still no bite. I just want stuff to mix! Anyone have any advice for getting word out there...
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    Mixing & Mastering Service

    Offering mixing and mastering services. I prefer to do both and give you a final product, however if you only want mixing or mastering we can work something out. You can check out audio samples on the site or Facebook. I'm just starting out so my rates are very low.
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    Mixing/mastering service.. how much to charge starting out?

    I want to get a mixing & mastering service started but I have no idea where I should start when it comes to rates. Obviously I'm going to be charging pretty low because I currently don't have a portfolio built up, and then gradually move up as it builds. I've been recording my own stuff for so...
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    Studio Porn

    Can we get a thread dedicated to this? I know there's the post your studio thread but how about something for any studio. Seeing amazing studios some times actually inspires me more than a sick recording. Mark Morgan's studio Audio Hammer Machines w/ Magnets God City
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    New Architects preview

    definitely sounds more Hollow Crown direction. I actually like THAN more, but this sounds awesome.
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    New Every Time I Die (Joe Barresi) sounds so good. production and the music
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    Getting such tight performances out of guitarists/bassists

    I'm wondering how Joey deals with musicians that maybe aren't very tight players but he manages to get super tight performances out of them. Does he do a ton of editing? I remember reading the Crimson Armada album was a nightmare during tracking because the guitarists couldn't play their shit...
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    Where can I get Pro Tools click track samples?

    The click in Reaper is pretty shitty and hard to hear, I really love the one in Pro Tools so I want to replace it with that but I can't find samples/wavs of it anywhere. Anyone have a link? I found this but the DL link is dead thanks
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    Practicing Metalcore mixes (AxeFX) Excuse the incredibly generic metalcore riffs, just there for the sake of something to mix. I'm getting happier with my highgain axefx tones but not quite there yet. Drums are s2 & samples bass is fender jazz > axefx
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    New Animals As Leaders Album

    Has anyone else listened yet? It's not as good as their s/t IMO. and the album is clipping like fucking crazy. It's mastered way too loud. Shame because the production is a lot better than their previous album
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    Instrumental versions of albums

    I really like listening to them because it's easier for me to really hear the mix in depth without vocals and easier for me to references because my mixes are vocal-less as of now. What are some that are out there? I'm looking for well produced albums obviously. I have: Paramore - Brand New...
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    Best Crazy Train cover ever
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    Line 6 DL4 Died

    I've been using it a lot the past week or so and all of sudden it just died. Won't work with batteries, won't work with AC Adapter. Anyone know how I could possibly fix it? Or is gone for good
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    Godly guitar tone

    this takes pumping to a whole new level
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    How do you know when to stop?

    Mixing. That is one of my biggest problems. I get obsessive over a mix and I will end up making a bunch of changes and the mix turns out even worse then it previously was. It's one of those things where you will never get it 100% perfect or the way you want it, so I'm wondering how do you...