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  1. DarkNoise

    The link between B-rate horror and Metal

    I'm intrigued. discuss...
  2. DarkNoise

    say something about what the forumer above you is reading

    I know, the thread will probably die off a LOT sooner than the forever-on-going listening to thread. but I don't see nearly enough book topics in here dammit! 30 Days of Night: Immortal Remains Niles, Steve & Mariotte, Jeff I give the book an overall C- so far. The first actual novel they...
  3. DarkNoise

    Old time radio fans?

    any recommendations? Currently listening to: Amos and Andy The Weird Circle X Minus One Nightfall Twilight Zone anything based on those?
  4. DarkNoise

    So I'm Back (I was gone?); book questions

    Just a quick hey everyone, been busy working 60+ hours per week since about Thanksgiving and haven't had time to do anything after getting home except eat, poop, shower, and sleep. I also have a question on books by Kim Paffenroth, are they as good as they look? Worth ordering? MAX! Have you...
  5. DarkNoise

    What is it about farts...

    That makes them smell different in water (bathtub, swimming pool, etc) than they do in a regularly oxygenated environment? It smells almost sweeter.
  6. DarkNoise

    Happy Black Friday

    Anyone else extremely disappointed in the 'sales' around their areas for this supposedly sale crazy holiday? I've not seen one single sale in this entire county that I haven't seen before during the rest of this year. Why would I wake up at 2am to go get a deal on a television that I could get...
  7. DarkNoise

    My new(old).... uh stupidshit. Listen!

    So as a follow up to Brooks' highly successful post, I'm gonna acks y'all for similar input, only different. Each track I'm posting is over 5 years old, and when I get ahold of a good mixer will be redone with better technique. So keep in my, I'm well aware my technique was shit, I'm looking...
  8. DarkNoise

    Seattle on October 13th around 2pm?

    Anyone in the area of Seattle doing anything early afternoon? I don't wanna drive fucking two hours just to spend an hour in Kent and drive two more hours. Anyone wanna grab a beer or something?
  9. DarkNoise

    Hey Star Trek geeks!

    need help. Anyone remember the episode of Star Trek: TNG where Picard and the crew go through a time loop ending in the Enterprise blowing up? I can't recall any distinct details, but I have a huge urge to watch that one now.
  10. DarkNoise

    Permuted Press Bestsellers?

    interested in everyone's recommendations. I already know I'll be getting "John Dies At The end". But what else on there is a good read?
  11. DarkNoise

    Tardy Brothers - Bloodline

    why no thread for this album? for $15 it's a steal. Came out a few months ago, but never noticed any reviews from you people. Slackers!
  12. DarkNoise

    Best use of guitar phrasing?

    Your opinions. I think one the top 5 all time best uses is pretty much every Friedman solo in "High Speed Dirt". I tried to emulate the bends and slides in that song when I first started playing, and it's what really gave me my style (or lack therof?). Obviously most of Loomis' rythm riffs...
  13. DarkNoise

    Recording Musician-types!

    I'm in the market to finally replace my 4-track cassette tape (you read that right) recorder. I'm looking for something compact with 2 track simultaneous and at least 16 virtual tracks. Preferably some sort of drum system built in. I don't wanna go more than 250 US Dollars if possible.
  14. DarkNoise

    Sister-in-law test (another drunk DN thread)

    so I'm just curious as to which one looks like the bitchy one to you people. (the one on the left)
  15. DarkNoise

    Alice in Chains Tour

    July 18 Detroit, MI with Kid Rock, Cypress Hill August 22 Pomona, CA with Tool, Linkin Park September 4 Washington, DC September 5 Philadelphia, PA September 7 Boston, MA September 8 New York, NY September 12 Indianapolis, IN September 15 Toronto, ON September 16...
  16. DarkNoise

    Death/Black/Thrash Karaoke?

    Post it, any good gems you find on youtube or anywhere else.
  17. DarkNoise

    Other important news about summer festivals:

    what the FUCK is going on with this? Ozzfest 2009 is canceled so Ozzy can work on a new album? Last years lineup left me bitter due to lack of tour dates, now this just pisses me the fuck off. Fuck Ozzfest from now on. ( / drinking ) Seriously though...
  18. DarkNoise

    Soundgarden 75% Reunion

    Was this ever posted? I finally thought about looking for some video clips and found em, not too long ago when Soundgarden minus Cornell plus Tad showed up and played three songs. Tad's vocals are fucking terrible with...
  19. DarkNoise

    Food Thread Revival

    So I couldn't find the original unstoppable food thread... here's a new one! For tonight, I'm making a peppercorn marinaded steak on our charcoal grill with a side of baked potato, green beans, and corona.
  20. DarkNoise

    Router Questions fellow nerds!

    What do you use? Would you recommend it? What brands/models would you suggest I get? I bought one years ago, and it works for about two days then craps out and won't work for months. It's been that way through four different ISP's, so I know it's the router.