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  1. whiskey funeral

    According to Facebook, it's Onder's birthday.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :wave:
  2. whiskey funeral

    Here's a new thread.

    Because I see nothing but the same fucking threads that have been around since 2008. This can be something like, a random thought thread. Or whatever. I'll start. Hummus is very yummy.
  3. whiskey funeral

    So,did you all hear that new Megadeth song?

    ...:erk: It's pretty fucking terrible. Granted, I've only liked a few songs from the last three Megadeth albums but if the WHOLE ALBUM sounds similar to this title track, I'll be rather upset.
  4. whiskey funeral

    Your favorite one man band/bands

    I was going to make a poll out of this thread but decided it may be better to leave it open as more of a discussion than a bitching and fighting situation. My recent favorite would be Taake/Hoest, though he has used session musicians from time to time and has a touring band. His sound has...
  5. whiskey funeral

    New bands with the old Swedish death metal sound?

    Anyone know some good 'uns to check out?
  6. whiskey funeral

    I'm looking to purchase a new turntable. HELP.

    So, my old shelf system kicked the bucket a few months ago and I've been without a turntable. I'm looking to purchase something small and inexpensive without a lot of bells and whistles. What do you guys have and where do you suggest I start looking? My records are pissed at me for abandoning them.
  7. whiskey funeral

    So...what have I missed?

    Who still posts here? Who doesn't? Did anyone die/get married/have babies/move or anything else interesting? SHARE, please!
  8. whiskey funeral

    Post albums/bands you once hated but now enjoy.

    My inspiration for this thread is Nachtmystium's Assassins: Black Meddle Part I . I couldn't stand this album for awhile. On a whim this evening, I decided to give it one more shot and now find myself enjoying it. Also, I really hated King Diamond/Mercyful Fate right up until a couple of years...
  9. whiskey funeral

    False Joe sucks.

    And I know this thread will be locked but I really don't care because HE IS SUCH AN UNFUNNY BASTARD.
  10. whiskey funeral


    You're ALMOST as much of an old fart as yours truly. :) Have a good one, bud. :kickass:
  11. whiskey funeral


    Have a good one, my friend. :kickass:
  12. whiskey funeral

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY V5!!!!!!!!!

    xoxoxoxo :blush:
  13. whiskey funeral

    ohiogrinder has requested my help

    grindnoisemayhem (8:51:24 PM): hey can you try talking ultimatemetal into letting me back on? extremenoiztara (8:52:55 PM): How am I going to do that? grindnoisemayhem (8:53:07 PM): just message the admin grindnoisemayhem (8:53:29 PM): I miss being there and feel shitty for acting like such...
  14. whiskey funeral


    Anyone else like this band? Surfer Rosa and Doolittle are so good and I have this particular song stuck in my head today:
  15. whiskey funeral

    Sludge and stoner metal recs. needed

    Throw out some names, particular albums to check and myspace pages please. I'm in the mood for some slower but heavy as hell music. Thanks.
  16. whiskey funeral

    Making CDs for a non metal fan. Your recs are needed!

    Hey guys. I decided to burn a few CDs for a friend of mine who isn't much of a metal listener since he seems generally interested in hearing some of the music I enjoy. I need your help in picking out a few bands to introduce him to. Agalloch is my top pick at the moment and of course, I...
  17. whiskey funeral

    n00b alert!

    Hi! :kickass: I posted here ages ago but have since forgotten my old user name and whatever email address I registered with so...there you go. :zombie: The emotes on here are really neat, btw.