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  1. X

    Grainy tone, losing all hope

    I matched EQ with Metallica's One, but my TH2 amp simulated guitar still sounds shitty and grainy.. what the hell do i need to do to get it sound decent Look at how smooth metallica's guitar is compared to me For what its worth, here is the...
  2. X

    Im leaving the forums

    Was nice seeing you and arguing with you, take care. :kickass:(cant wait to see all the responses to boost my ego).
  3. X

    New album by CHRISTMAS

    Mikael and the gang really need to get to work to get a new album going and at the stores by this christmas. Its perfectly doable, and arguably the best way to do is to rush it: thats the way masterpieces like MAYH and SL were born, and thats how the next one will.
  4. X

    mike's fastest solo

    which is it thanks
  5. X

    Mike into Jimi Hendrix recently?

    Seems like he has taken an interest to Hendrix' stuff. He played a couple of riffs from Third Rock From The Sun when i saw him a week ago, and Hessian Peel has its intro riff borrowed from Hey Joe.
  6. X

    Fook yeaaah

    One week until Opeth show uaaaaaaaaah :kickass:
  7. X

    Someone said

    in some review that Slayer's "Hell awaits" was based on some other metal album, drawing a lot of elements from it. Any idea what it might be(Important cause its the best Slayer album:kickass:) Thanks.
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    An album for each season of the year

    Suggest an album that best fits every season of the year. example: spring:orchid summer:morningrise autumn:mayh winter:still life Go.
  9. X

    Favourite opeth riff?

    Post it, and no bullshit top 5 lists, just one riff. And keep it simple to understand, "2nd bridge riff, 3rd repetitoon" is not OK, "5:50 of Deliverance" is OK. There you go, thats my answer. So no fucking puzzles.
  10. X

    How my opinion on Opeths music has changed

    over the course of knowing them as a band. A year and a half ago after after first getting their albums, they just seemed like a regular metal band with a swedish sound, for a few months i listened to them sometimes, but didnt think much of them compared to other groups. Suddenly, I "got"...