Search results

  1. mrbean667

    Free doom/black metal mixing service

    Hey everyone, I'm offering a free service for people who need black/doom metal albums or EPs mixed. I'm a student and would like to expand my portfolio in the genres I love. This is a recent black metal song I worked on: I currently work in the DSBM band 'After Death Alone' which you can...
  2. mrbean667

    Muddy as fuck...

    This is a rough test mix of trivkidd's song, which I'm reamping the guitars for. The guitar tone seems fine to me, but when it's mixed with the bass, it is muddier than a black forest gateau. What am I doing wrong? I've HP LPed the guitars to shit, trying to get the bass to slide in, but it...
  3. mrbean667

    So, I have to sing metalcore...

    My (bad) band is playing at a party and the guy wants us to do a cover of Five Months by Parkway Drive... We're power metal for fuck's sake, I can't fry scream for more than 30 seconds. Anyone else had to play a really shit song? And not get paid?
  4. mrbean667

    Velocities in Battery

    Can you assign different samples of the same drum/cymbal to different velocities in Battery? If so, how? I know you can do it in Superior and SSD, and I've just bought Battery. Cheers!
  5. mrbean667

    Battery multisampling

    I got it today and am wondering... Can you load multiple samples into the one cell? I'm not too good with midi programming (I used to use Beatcraft), and am new to multisamples. Cheers!
  6. mrbean667

    So, I have to record direct from amp...

    My friend has borrowed my DI box for a few weeks, so I'm stuck with my amp to record direct into my mic input. Goddamn. Any tips for making it sound decent? Anything but bad? Ignore the sloppy playing:
  7. mrbean667

    Disconnecting combo speakers

    I have an old SS combo amp which I'd like to hook up to some impulses, if that's possible. Is it a simple matter of disconnecting the speakers, then just connecting the amp to the DAW?
  8. mrbean667

    Double Bass Mania first test-drums only

    A quick demo of my first spin with the samples from Double Bass Mania II, they're pretty decent for $50. I programmed them with Beatcraft. What do you think of them? EDIT: The kick isn't part of the samples, it's the Suffocation kick from the FTP.
  9. mrbean667

    How Do Wall of Sound?

    I'm talking Devin Townsend/SYL kind of sound, with heavily multitracked everything, without making the mix sound botched and muddy. A good example is something like this: The vocals especially catch my fancy, there are 80+ vocal tracks, but he still manages to make them sound like one...
  10. mrbean667

    Sonic Maximizer

    I've heard that it helps with layered vocals and mastering, is it worth getting one? Devin Townsend uses a BBE Maximizer, and if that's anything to go by, it seems a worthwhile investment to me...
  11. mrbean667

    Salvaging crap tone: a challenge for you

    Just interested to see what you might be able to do with a rubbish tone, recorded from a miced Randall RX 75-R I'm a complete noob when it comes to mixing, and I'm about to mix my friends' band's demo for a bit of a laugh. This is the raw wav file, if anyone wants to have a go...
  12. mrbean667

    My first rough mix, need pointers Ignore the music, it was improvised, and I had just listened to Terminal Spirit Disease. Very little is processed at the moment, no compression on anything except the drums. Guitars were quad tracked from a miced Randall amp (not sure which...
  13. mrbean667

    Extrremely strange guitar problem...

    This only started happening recently on Cubase when I record guitar from my amp direct (I know, but I'm getting a DI soon). It starts out fine for the first few seconds, then it goes underwater. Is it a problem with my sound card, or the cable...
  14. mrbean667

    How would I send a demo to you guys?

    Well, the question is exactly that. I'm 15 and have started a solo project, and have got a decent sounding demo up my sleeve. Does Metal Evilution accept demos? If so, how would I do it? Cheers :kickass::kickass:
  15. mrbean667

    Old School Production techniques

    I'm trying to get an old school death metal sound (think Dawn of Possession) and have got a basic idea of where to go guitar-wise, but what things do I need to know for drums and bass (mainly in terms of EQ). Cheers :kickass: Hope I've been clear enough for you guys.
  16. mrbean667

    Writing motivation

    When I sit down to write, nothing comes out! I usually just end up screwing around with the guitar and never get any good riffs. How do you guys motivate yourselves when writing? Do you set goals or anything, or just keep what sounds good? Cheers.:kickass:
  17. mrbean667

    noob question: How good should a demo be?

    In terms of mixing, what should one aim for? Does it need to be as good as possible, or just decent?
  18. mrbean667

    El Cheapo DI Box advice

    I have decided that I'm in dire need of a DI box to keep up with the times, and adding to the fact that I'm a total recording noob, which is the best cheap DI Box out there? I was thinking about this, yes, I hear it's crap, but I don't care...
  19. mrbean667

    Microcube recording

    Righto, I record using my (great) microcube, and I was wondering: 1: Does anyone else use it? 2: If so, what do you use to edit the sound? I record into Cubase LE, and EQ it with Classic EQ plugin. :kickass:Cheers!
  20. mrbean667

    Programming Blast Beats

    Here's the story: I have got all the music written, and have started programming the drums on Beatcraft for my songs. They contain a fair amount of blast beats, but as I'm not a drummer, I haven't the faintest clue. I know how to get the basic beat, but I can't make them sound...real. I...