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  1. Journeyman14

    Obituary @ Bloodstock

    I don't care but I know some of you guys will.
  2. Journeyman14

    Silly band names that you can't read

    Post them. The band names are in the URL's so no prizes for saying what they are.
  3. Journeyman14

    What do you think of this advert...

    Commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund amazingly. It is RATHER edgy and controversial so I warn you in advance. First thing that comes to mind is "Oh no they didn't..." but I guess they sort of have a point.
  4. Journeyman14

    Blind Guardian Masturbation Thread

    Best power metal band ever. AWESOME OR WHAT GUYS RITE? :lol:
  5. Journeyman14

    Bonecrusher Fest

    Feb. 01 - Bristol, UK @ Academy Feb. 02 - Leeds, UK @ Rios Feb. 03 - Glasgow, UK @ Garage Feb. 04 - Birmingham, UK @ Academy Going purely for 3 Inches of Blood, I fucking love them. :D It'll be cool to see Ingested again and I've heard good things about Obscura. Should be an interesting tour.
  6. Journeyman14

    I've lost track by now, new Megadeth

    Is this the 5th song? :lol: The quality is awful so it's pretty hard to hear it.
  7. Journeyman14

    Megadeth. Another new song.

    It's not as thrash-y like the others but it's still great.
  8. Journeyman14

    The best movie series?

    By series I mean trilogy or higher. Some ideas to get it going: Alien Lord of the Rings Star Wars The Mummy Matrix Rambo Terminator Mad Max Jaws Starship Troopers Saw Etc etc. For consistency I'd say Lord of the Rings and the original Star Wars trilogy would be my...
  9. Journeyman14

    Yet another new Megadeth song

    Only 1:30 into at so far but I like it!
  10. Journeyman14

    New Gwar song!

    :D Fucking yes, I love it! Can't wait for the album and tour (Hopefully). :lol: :lol:
  11. Journeyman14

    Multitasking Game My best so far is a rubbish 60 points. :( Getting other people to help doesn't count!
  12. Journeyman14

    Nu Jazz Silencecore Metal

    ... Oh fuck off!
  13. Journeyman14

    Worlds best cat

    Marvel at the brilliance.
  14. Journeyman14

    Video of monkeys stealing alcohol and getting drunk

    The one on the bench near the end is so fucking drunk. :lol:
  15. Journeyman14

    Fast Food Folk Song

  16. Journeyman14

    DETHKLOK: New Album Details Revealed - July 20, 2009

    Oh hells yeah! :kickass: September will be awesome! Megadeth, Evile and Dethklok!
  17. Journeyman14

    Power Metal

    Fuck yeah! :kickass: We haven't had a topic about this genre yet! (I think) Anyone else like to slay dragons and save the princess? Tbh I love it, can't wait to see Blind Guardian at bloodstock.
  18. Journeyman14

    The poo thread!

    Not sure if we've played this game yet but just replace a word in song/album title with the word poo! Can I Play With Poo - Iron Maiden Poo From The Deep - Evile Sex and Poo - Carnivore Poo by Dawn - Deicide Chapel of Poo - Morbid Angel Storming the Burning Poo - Dragonforce
  19. Journeyman14

    RAGGGEEEEEE They better fucking not! :mad: