Search results

  1. P

    Pagan's Mind Merchandise?

    I would really love to get a PM T-Shirt, but can't find anyone who sells them, including official PM Website. Anybody know where I can get one? Thanks in advance. p.s. Can't get the chorus of Intermission out of my head! In the end to be reunited with you!!
  2. P

    ProgPower USA

    Anybody here going to ProgPower USA this year? It will be my first year attending and I'm stoked. The only bummer is no Seventh Wonder! Andreas, any chance you guys might be there next year? Probably too early to tell, but it would be awesome to see you in the States. :kickass:
  3. P

    Favorite Song on WITW

    Difficult to choose because all the songs are so great, but I'd have to go with Devil's Inc because of the lyrics and the awesome vocals of Tommy. What's your favorite? I just noticed that this is a repeat of a previous poll. Let's do it again anyways!!