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  1. M

    Someone speak spanish heare i need help with a mix

    Someone speak spanish heare? i need help with a mix i cant get a tight sound of guitars and bass in the mix of a song of my band using kemper. i need send few seconds with all the tracks and session of cubase to someone that can get a good mix and send me the session back to see the different...
  2. M

    any recommendation for my mix? tips please or what can be fix
  3. M

    please help need this kick sample!

    i cant run the drummer superior for do it. my dvd unit dont work. please if somebody can make me the sample will be great!
  4. M

    how to use superior drummer 2 kick triggering my real drum

    i like much the kick sound of the toontrack superior drummer 2. i have my session en cubase, but the bassdrum was triggeres with steven slate drums. how i can use the kick of superior in my wave track (of the real drum) in cubase?
  5. M

    help me with my mix what do you think that i can do for a better mix sound?
  6. M

    How mix this toms with triggered toms

    the drummer don´t have a very hard hit on toms with the drumsticks. i will like better the sound of this. more definition i think. how i can mix with trigger slate drums samples, in the best way? here the 3 toms ( real toms sound): and here...
  7. M

    best impulses?

    please i need impulses for guitar best for metal. what can i use?
  8. M

    a good reverb for vocals

    can you tell me your settings for a good reverb into the vocalist? thanks
  9. M

    bass impulses?

    somebody have bass impulses or a good bass guitar plug? i have a bass connected directly to my fireware interface and using warp vst.
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    toms resonance

    how i can get less toms resonance and more hits definition? some tipe of comp and eq? thanks
  11. M

    somebody can help me to com this snare?

    its a natural snare. i dont know how i can comp and eq for more hit power, warm, etc. the basics!. s please somebody can comp and eq this snare file and put here the screen shot seetings? thankss
  12. M

    how i can use my guitar like a bass?

    i mean, how i can pitch the guitar for a bass tone and then use it with Warp-plug?. thankss
  13. M

    recommendation please listen! recommendations for the snare sound please!! thanksss
  14. M

    revalver mkII problem

    why i cant save the presents?, i can play without problems, but i cant load my presents (revalver crackes 2.0.1) help!
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    my rotten mix

    heyy: i recorded this demo today, what do you think of the guitar and drums? all recorded by me (guitars and drums( a real kit)) aaah, and not bass here enjoy ( if you can) or...
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    help me with this little demo

    some recommendations for my drum sound? its my acustic drum played by me XD kick sampled, snare sampled 25% the rest its the natural snare. im not happy at all with the snare, i thinking in more crack maybe? im in a good way? thanks guys
  17. M

    tips for clean tracks

    hi again :), for the real drums, how do you clean the toms tracks? silent detect?, manual cut? thanks again guys
  18. M

    real snare tips eq and comp?

    how i can cut armonics? some standars settigns for comp? and eq for a power hit? thanks
  19. M

    finally my new ts808 custom

    thanks to the tech for make it
  20. M

    some help with toms eq and comp?

    can somebody put a photo of the toms sound eq and comp? thanks