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  1. H

    June 12th @ the Venue

    HWBH will be playing with Vital Remains, Incantation, and Dawn Of Azazel as well as others for a night of BROOOOTAL fucking death metal! Join us early as we will be playing in an earlier time slot. Doors @ 6:30....c-yall there!:rock:
  2. H

    FOE fucking awesome!

    Now what's going on with a new album....
  3. H

    Hear me out on this one...

    A fucking couple of weeks on the road sounds like a good idea right now. I need to get out of the fucking desert, and hang out in some hardcore bars and basements and jam some fucking death metal. Shit! :rock:
  4. H

    he who binds himself

    Studio is about wrapped up. New album (short as fuck album) is in the fucking can. I think it's gonna shred... :) I'll keep you fuckers posted (both of you who read this board)... n
  5. H

    He Who Binds Himself in the studio

    We will be going in later this month to record with Ryan Butler (Structure of Lies, Mercitron) our debut album. The album will be entitled "From Human to Document" and will feature art by Evil Dave (who is currently creating a piece for our first run of shirts). Metal Devastation will be...
  6. H

    Show Tonight!!! SPREAD THE WORD!

    Joe's Grotto... Motive and others. He Who Binds Himself scheduled to go on at 11:00 pm! Come out early and start drinking with us!! 21 and over No cover. :rock: :rock: :rock:
  7. H

    Just in case y'all didn't know..

    HWBH show at Joe's Grotto on the 26th of Jan. From what I understand it's free, but don't quote me on that. Hope to see quite a few familiar faces, and drink a few familiar drinks:grin: carry on.:rock:
  8. H

    He Who Binds Himself

    One more song to go and our debut mini-album will be complete. We decided to keep things concise to encapsulate the introductory phase of our songwriting. Thus, the album will be short and sweet. We will continue gigging locally, and start looking for out of town one off's throughout the...
  9. H

    I would at least...

    like to see the members of this band attempting to communicate with us hermits... :Spin: Seriously, how y'all doin'!?!?!?!!?!?! :rock:
  10. H

    He Who Binds Himself

    Just a quick update on the "new thing" We have just completed our third tune and things are going quite well! The jam shed gets up to around 115 degrees or so before the sun sets, so we're keeping warm. :hotjump: I really think I want to send in a letter to help out this Metal D. thing...
  11. H

    The newest band in Phoenix

    For those of you who are curious to find out what in the hell Nathan is doing post-Vehemence here's the skinny: It started with a jam shed shared with Brandon who I am sure some of you remember from his days jamming around town in a band called Bludgeon (not the Metal Blade band...). Rob...
  12. H

    Nathans trip to the store....

    I am so fucking fired up!!!! Just went cd shopping and dropped almost $150 !!! (tax return) here's a few gems I found Hypocrisy- The Arrival Tenacious D- s/t Ozzy- Tribute (finally got it on cd) Deicide- Scars of the Crucifix (with bonus dvd) Cat Stevens- Grtst Hits (new guilty pleasure)...
  13. H

    Post your video links here

    :Spin: more time. Anybody got any cool video links to throw down...Anybody?....Hello?.....throw down, I got this great cable modem, and I want to stream some sheeeyat!!!! alright, thats gotta work :Spin:
  14. H

    Motorhead, Dio, Iron Maiden last night!!!!!

    :OMG: So the show from my perspective started out with a quick stop at Mobil for a big Bud Light and some smokes for the wife. With 24oz. down, we headed in and found our seats in like five seconds (after the first of many stops to the beer stand for an $8.00 beer). We were seated and Motorhead...
  15. H

    :ill: :ill: the world through my eyes

    well :ill: here we are back in the sun...I can feel the healing powers of the desert coursing through my veins as I type. So here's the story from my perspective: I fucked my voice up in New Jersey at the March Metal Meltdown(the first fucking gig) and began a strict regiment of self healing...
  16. H

    As I Wipe The Tear From My Eye

    I am quite moved by the new Fall of Empyrean song that is downloadable from their site....Richard, you are amazing:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
  17. H

    very important local show

    we will finally be playing the bash on ash in march with motive and pelvic meatloaf. it will be motives cd release show and we will play third from last (at least thats the plan so far). further details to come. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
  18. H

    fall of empyrean

    hey bjorn, is that picture the new album cover? Is the new album finished? Do you have it? This is something I must hear.:flame:
  19. H

    for my peeps

    hey, dudes. just finished opening some new accounts. my new e-mail is and is anybody is on the yahoo instant messenger I am religionistoblame666. hey, helvete, you still alive? If any of y'all are gonna be at the Testament shows (or in SF at the pound) I'll...
  20. H

    first of all, you with the band photos...

    :eek: Why even take the time to post that picture of Andy? I gotta see the dude at practice and at work, the last thing I need is a big digital image of his Michael J. Fox looking ass on my computer! Also, you seem quite reluctant to just be cool and not spew off some bullshit every time you...