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  1. madgirl

    RAAA sexy new site

    Loving it! and some of them pictures look v familiar ;) the one at bulldog - my god it seems like so long ago!!! and i love that one of steve and rob at the ruskin ... bloody ell 4 years ago they were !
  2. madgirl


    New book new book new book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only managed to read 200 pages today cuz had people over in day and i was also making chocolate willies for me hen do :D will read more tomorrow providing there is no post hen do hang over hehehehe RAVEN _ i sat and read it with mr...
  3. madgirl


    Im sure it has been said on every forum on the internet. But i just cant believe what went on today. took me back to 9/11/01 Sitting there watching the news - barely realising it was true. Hope everyone of us is ok!! xxx
  4. madgirl

    Fookin ell

    Just realised today is 5 years to the day since i first witnessed a 54 gig at the Borderline in London. A v hot night it was indeed - and rocking hard at a gig probably didnt help - but what a night it was 30 gigs and 5 year laters i feel the need to cast my mind back ;) and rock out to...
  5. madgirl


    That was one gig more than worth waiting for :D After sitting through 3 other bands - Evil scarecrow who were kind of comedy but ended their set with an awesome version of "the final Countdown". The Prophecy - who had a kind of anathema feel and rather liked! Four way kill who were...
  6. madgirl


    Ok, had an idea... lets get this discussion going! I am sure this has been done over the years.. but hey, lets get a new one out there. We have 2 ep's and 2 albums to go on these days. What are your favourite 1) solos 2)vocal parts 3)lyrics Hell anything you love about...
  7. madgirl

    OOOH roll on the gig

    Just been to Junktion 7 for another gig. found a rather smart poster on the wall. So liberated for the collection! But i cant bleeding put it on here cuz i cant up load it - grrr. So it is here instead
  8. madgirl

    Long time no post ...

    thought i would rear my head and say hello again!
  9. madgirl

    Andy ....Blood and BELIEF !

    TOTALLY AWESOME JOB THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a fantastic album! Glad to see you kept up the good work! For thos who might not know ... Mr Sneap is responsible for a top job on the latest album from BLAZE ( see sig for link) ... samples now available :D
  10. madgirl

    No Blaze This Year :(

    Know they cant be on every year .. but they do rock... mind u this year they have a heck load of shows to promote the new album, Blood and Belief.. well i shall keep on checking and see what appears that i fancy this year .. well been to three so far ... seems a shame not to try to make...
  11. madgirl

    Blood and belief!

    BLAZE ... formerly forum members here at UM ... are about to release their third studio album.. click on the link to find out more! hope this works .. if not try my sig link also ... IF you like BLAZE.. come visit .. if not .. then just ignore it..
  12. madgirl


    What a wicked review that was.. but then hell that was a darn great gig so its not surprising .. nice to see a journo who knows what they are talking about .. talking of blaze.. If u enjoyed them at bloodstock this year... check out my sig banner for info on the upcoming blaze bash in...
  13. madgirl

    Blaze Bayley Xmas Big bash, Dudley UK

    A good few of you know that this fella used to be in maiden Now his solo act B L A Z E are sending off the year in style and setting themselves up with a good xmas metal bash check out the website through the following links or my signature to find out more.. what is promised is METAL...
  14. madgirl

    YOu like iron maiden

    i hope this is the right place to post this.. please feel free to move it if not just thought id let u maiden fans know about one of the best maiden fansites around. since the demise of the official IMBB they are getting unbelieveable amounts of people signing up to their forums. all...
  15. madgirl

    so who saw B L A Z E at bloodstock?

    ... and what did you think? good or bad. i thought they rocked a wholllllllle lot ( anyone who saw them and wants to find out more... can always click on my banner :P ) sadly there seemed to be a whole heap of sound problems with the venue throughout the weekend, which didnt really help...
  16. madgirl

    Area 54 @ the Agincourt Camberley

    This ive been waiting for for well over 3 and a half years! FUCKIN NICE ONE! ive travelled all over the country for this band and now they are playin my local.. ULTIMATE!
  17. madgirl


  18. madgirl

    pathetic really

    some fool thought theyd give me a bad rating cuz they didnt like my avatar! like find a real reason! :tickled:
  19. madgirl

    OOOhh terrorizer mag

    oooh the latest edition has an advert for none other than the next purchase that we are going to make none other than BotE! YAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA :Shedevil: /me makse small addition to large size 54 book yayaya
  20. madgirl

    U love metal ? u loved ironmaiden ? check this out

    ok i know two other people have posted in here about blaze .. grr at tp and caro for beeting me to it :P but click here to find out about a band that are AS METAL AS IT GETS! failing that check out some of the live dates around the UK in support of the new live album AS LIVE AS IT GETS...