Search results

  1. Gregk

    Computer Running REALLY Slow

    Well, in Reaper I've been experiencing skipping, dropout, etc. Now, I'm not using memory intensive plugins by any means.(TSS, Wagner sharp, and boogex). The only major plugin is Superior 2.0. It says my CPU usage is 90%, and that can't be right considering that I have 2gb ram and a 2ghz...
  2. Gregk

    5150 Rhythm Channel Clip

    So, I'm pretty much a beginner with this stuff, so any help/advice is appreciated. I boosted the rhythm channel with a ts7, I used a Firepod and an sm57, and I used Cubase LE to track it.(looking to upgrade soon). I just pitch shifted for the bass. The only plugins I used were the Cubase Eq...
  3. Gregk

    New band, Pope Exploder!

    "The Ballad of Edgar Van Bicep" Tips are welcome. Enjoy.
  4. Gregk

    Song Information?

    I tried searching and couldn't find exactly what I wanted. So I'm trying to burn a cd that has all the song information on it like artist, album, genre, etc. The only way I've been able to do this is with mp3 files. Which also brings me to another question, what format (mp3, wave, etc) and...
  5. Gregk

    Is this a bad idea?

    Hello, for a while I've had an idea of doing a laptop live rig for guitar. My idea was to run the guitar through my firepod with a power amp, and have it go through a real cab. So I can just use amp sims in my laptop. OR, should I just use impulses and go through the PA? OR, is this...
  6. Gregk

    Been here a few days...

    Cool forum. AND... it's HUGE! :lol: Mostly lurking around the Sneap section. I look forward to posting here.