Search results

  1. theforgotten

    Core/Djenty stuff needs singer!

    Hi guys!This is one of our(me and my friend's) song which is in the finishing stages of writing and arranging so now we are off to quest for singer.Anyone SERIOUSLY interested(by seriously interested i mean someone passionate and dedicated person who can deliver lyrics and vocals withing week or...
  2. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Few days ago I saw Lasse's post in Gear For Sale section of the forum asking for someone to create design for his LSD Drum Sample shop so I started working immediately.Also I did design for his official web page showed the designs to Lasse and he liked very much.I hope...
  3. theforgotten

    Stymphalian Productions guitar re-amping for the band I'm producing

    Finally we've received re-amped guitar tracks from Stymphalian Productions,UK ( for Raven's debut album called "Under a Darkening Sky"( is a quick video just to show their fans and people...
  4. theforgotten

    My first metalcore tune

    Don't pay attention to the mix since the song is roughly mixed.I'm more interested what you think as composition.I'm still working on the ending of the song.Maybe I'll add some synths and lead guitar fills.Cheers!
  5. theforgotten

    Thrash Metal Quick Idea/Mix/Tone

    This is a quick mix/master I did just to save my idea.Bass is programed since I don't have bass atm.I'm interested what you think.Cheers!
  6. theforgotten

    Mellowmuse SATV Vintage Saturator

    Has anyone tried Mellowmuse SATV Vintage Saturator? If does what do you think?Cheers!
  7. theforgotten

    Just wanted to show you...

    Hi guys!Just wanted to show you another artistic side of me.For those who don't know I'm graduated visual artist,painter,sculptor,graphic designer.I graduated at Academy of Fine Arts here in my country.I hope you'll like my artworks and you'll enjoy in the beautiful music from my country.Cheers!
  8. theforgotten

    Producing a song for a local metal band

    Few days ago I started recording the 2nd song for a local metal band.Everything is roughly edited,balanced,panned,mixed and mastered.So what do you think about the quick mix I did as a starting point?Cheers!
  9. theforgotten

    First time using real amp with impulses(Randall RX120D)

    Hi there!Today I borrowed from a friend Randall RX120D 120W head just to try it.This is my first time using real amp and this is quick tone I did Any feedback is appreciated!Cheers!
  10. theforgotten

    Metal Mix/Master(S.D2.0/SSD/POD Farm/Sample Tank 2.5 Free)

    Recently I finished recording a local teenage metal band.This is my first mix/master.Drums are programed in S.D2.0 with triggered SSD Kick and Snare,Bass is programmed in Sampletank 2.5 Free and then processed,all guitars are pod farm,keys are Sampletank 2.5 Free too...
  11. theforgotten

    Guitar Tone Competition Song

    I didn't had time to finish the song for Guitar Tone Competition and couple days ago I've found the project on my HDD so I wanted to share it with you and to see what you think.Some of the melody guitar parts are not processed and I forgot to mute them...
  12. theforgotten

    BFMV - Scream Aim Fire cover

    Just started recording this and here's a quick mix.Some of the guitars on the verses I'll have to edit or re-record.I don't like their vocals very much but I like their guitar tone and their production.Also need help with the snare!
  13. theforgotten


    Hi there!I am graduated visual artist,I graduated at Academy of Fine Arts here in my country in printing department.Recently I'm more oriented in digital art and I just wanted to share some of my digital artworks.So if someone is interested PM me for details.Thanks!
  14. theforgotten

    Quick Recording/Just to save my idea

    It's 4:15 AM here and this is my quick recording, just to save my idea!
  15. theforgotten

    What you think about this mix?Rock

    Today I started recording this tune and this is the first quick mix.I still need to add some drum fills,bass,some arp synths and strings and vocals.The lead guitar in the middle of the song is a quick improvisation!So what do you thing about the mix as a starting point...
  16. theforgotten

    POD Farm Dual Tone recording

    Hi there!I wanted to ask advanced Pod Farm users how do they record their Dual Tones!They use both tones and record them in mono(in REAPER for example)and then quad track,they record 1 track in stereo 100% L/R in Pod Farm and then another stereo track 80% L/R in Pod Farm or they mute one channel...
  17. theforgotten

    New Mix PodFarm/SSD EX 3.5

    Started recording new song!Most of the guitars and drums are recorded and programmed.Need to record some bass,keyboards and vocals.This is a rough short preview!Enjoy! P.S After I export the file in Reaper there's a cracks on the beginning of the...
  18. theforgotten

    Recover accidentally formatted partition

    Today I accidentally formatted partition!!!Any way to recover the files?Thanks!
  19. theforgotten

    A song from the band I'm recording!

    This is one of the very first mixes.Vocals are recorded but I need to edit them and still need to add cymbals and fills to the drums.Hope you'll help me to get better mix.Any comments are appreciated! SORRY I didn't saw where the post is posted I...
  20. theforgotten

    Anyone tried this? Rough Rider compressor