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  1. Bassbarata

    About Vocals...

    In first place,i dont want to be a Eskola wannabe,i just want to learn. ok,then,Somebody can answer me how he does his death grunts?Im a pseudo death singer and i want to learn his way of singing,it would really help me! Thanks:goggly:
  2. Bassbarata

    Choosing a fretless bass

    Hello again SDG! Im[finally:rock:] going to get a fretless bass!After all these months,i figured out a way to afford one here in my country[Instruments are really expensive here in BraSil],then master, i want to know,how i can choose a fretless bass? I was wondering...i really apreciate...
  3. Bassbarata

    Two Questions for the big SDG

    Hey Steve,how you doin'? I have two questions for you my friend. First one: When you are making bass lines,what method do you use? I mean,do you just sit there improvising a line or maybe you just follow a primary idea and work on it? Second Question: man,im just starting in my thrash...